i feel sad


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Well-known member
Dec 6, 2006
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earth lol
my little sister fractured her arm by tripping and dislocated a bone!!! she's only seven!!

we went to the hospital. she had to get some bandages. she'll probably get a cast :) .

but i feel like it was my fault. she asked me to play jump-rope with her outside. so i did.

and you know what else? when we were coming back inside the house, that's when she tripped.

i feel guilty. i feel as if i didn't play jump-rope with her this wouldn't have happened.


what should i do now?

it's not your fault cuz if u said no, then she would probbally still go outside and jump and come in and break her arm so it really isn't your fault.

it is not your fault so dont feel guitly if you keep blaming it on your self it will make you feel worse and even her. It is not like you pushed her so do not feel like it is all your fault trust me peple will start getting irritated that you keep blaming your self that is what peple felt when i get upset like that

Its not your fault at all!!!!! She might have played jump rope without you anyways so it could have easily happened at any other time. Don't blame yourself at all. And she will get better. Noone is blaming you, so don't be so hard on yourself.

thanks guys. and gjr, thanks for the warning. i'm not blaming myself repeatedly though. am i? o_0

So long as you didn't take the jump rope and trip her yourself, it's not your fault.
I agree with SK.

It's not your fault, you didn't ask for this to happen.

It's not your fault. I know it hurts, as I've broke two bones myself; my ankle when I was 2, and my arm when I was 5. Hope she feels better soon! :)

two things one your lucky your sister was 7 because her bone will grow twice as fast if she was 9 or 10 and her bone is mroe flexible so itll be better sooner then older kids

and two it wasnt your fault :)

Oh, don't worry, from what you're saying it's not your fault. That's sad. Your sister having a broken arm. Just be nice to her and spend lots of quality time with her while she recovers, I'm sure she won't be mad at you. I bet she doesn't think it's your fault. You were just being a good sister by playing with her when she asked.

It's not your fault and even if it was worry won't add a single second to your life. ;]

Sure, it'ss misfortunante but try to find the good in it- maybe she'll have to depend more on you for help and you'll grow closer.

You never know- but focusing on the bad in it will just make it worse- for you and for her.

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