i found a place that sells tamasuku! and others!


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Well-known member
Aug 20, 2004
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well, only if you live in the nyc/new jersey vicinity.

i go to college in new york city, and last week i went across the river to new jersey with my friend to mitsuwa (the japanese marketplace) and there's a little japanese gift shop next door to the food court called japanusa. i was browsing the store to see what goodies there were, and something caught my eye.

there were tamasukus (tamaschool) hanging on a shelf behind the cashier. and on the shelf were entamas, uratamas, and one mini. the woman working there said they import them from japan. they also have assorted tamagotchi plushies hanging on the wall.

she let me see it, and it quite an exhilarating moment to hold a real japanese tamasuku in my hands. i wanted to buy it so bad. i asked her how much it was and my hopes were crushed.

tamasuku= $50

entama/uratama= $40


plushies= $13 (they're small. like 4"-sh)

being a poor college student, budgeting money is my top priority and blowing $50 was out of the question :'(

but if anyone else out there (who has the money and lives around the area) is desperately seeking one of these japanese treasures and tired of battling it out on ebay, look no further. also, the store is PACKED with a lot of fun japanese things.

(if you live in nyc, there's a shuttle to/from mitsuwa from port authority for $2/one way)

edit: mitsuwa is in edgewater, NJ. they also have locations in california and one in chicago. i don't know if the gift stores on side are the same though.

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