I found a tam at school being abused!


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Well-known member
Mar 16, 2005
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While I was in the school at resses ( I like sneaking in) I went in the gym and I kept hearing this beaping. I went over to the stage and found this v3 tam sleeping sick, with no lights off, and

he had poos every where! I woke up the tam, cleaned it, fed it,

gave it medicen, and put it back to sleep. Then, I took a small peice of paper and stuck it to the tam, I had writen on it, DON'T ABUSE YOUR TAM! ;) . so I went out for resses, hoping someone would claim the tam. I came back at the end of the day, to see if it was gone, and the poor tam was crying. no one had gotten it. So I thought I would take the tam, and bring it back the next day. so I did, but no one claimed it, still. so, now

I'm careing for that orphaned tam. I feel bad for it. did I do the right thing? I'm sitting with it right now, I've raised if from a kid, it's a nikachi now. It's very happy, but I still can't can't seem to get why someone would leave there tam there. Again, did I do the right thing? :D

maybe you should return it you did the right thing to care for it but maybe you should return it someone must of left it there and did'nt know it was gone

Personally I don't think it's possible to abuse a tama. In my opinion, neglect isn't abuse. That and it's only plastic/pixels.

Aside from that, I would just keep it. You found yourself a free tamagotchi. Plus if nobody claimed it and just left it on the stage, that makes me think they didn't care about/want it anyway.

that happend to me to two weeks ago I found a webkinz tag when I snuck in from outside and I wanted to keep it but instead I put it in the lost and found

You did the good thing tamagotchi wise - but next time, turn it in to the office, or else someone else could see that tama and steal it. Maybe on Monday or whenever you go back to school, turn it in to the lost in found. But put it on pause first... ;)

u did the rite thing caring for it but i think u should go araound school at resses and ask people if its theirs..and if no1 claims it in a day or 2 u should keep it. ;)

u did the rite thing caring for it but i think u should go araound school at resses and ask people if its theirs..and if no1 claims it in a day or 2 u should keep it. :wacko:
i've been doing that for three days, poor guy.

You did the good thing tamagotchi wise - but next time, turn it in to the office, or else someone else could see that tama and steal it. Maybe on Monday or whenever you go back to school, turn it in to the lost in found. But put it on pause first... :wacko:
ppl steal things from lost and found all the time, I caught my friend talking about how she found her cool sweater there.

lots of ppl just take stuff.

While I was in the school at resses ( I like sneaking in) I went in the gym and I kept hearing this beaping. I went over to the stage and found this v3 tam sleeping sick, with no lights off, andhe had poos every where! I woke up the tam, cleaned it, fed it,

gave it medicen, and put it back to sleep. Then, I took a small peice of paper and stuck it to the tam, I had writen on it, DON'T ABUSE YOUR TAM! :wacko: . so I went out for resses, hoping someone would claim the tam. I came back at the end of the day, to see if it was gone, and the poor tam was crying. no one had gotten it. So I thought I would take the tam, and bring it back the next day. so I did, but no one claimed it, still. so, now

I'm careing for that orphaned tam. I feel bad for it. did I do the right thing? I'm sitting with it right now, I've raised if from a kid, it's a nikachi now. It's very happy, but I still can't can't seem to get why someone would leave there tam there. Again, did I do the right thing?  :angry:
Well, i think you did the right thing! :angry: Putting a Piece of paper saying "Don't Abuse Your Tam". Maybe they forgot about the tamagotchi. But you did the right thing, no hard feelings on you! :angry: You should turn it in to the lost and found. But you don't have to.

ILL! GROSS! Don't steal clothes from the lost and found! LOL :angry:

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Good on ya, that tam, it's lucky to have you, you know. If you didn't find it, she/he whould've died, two thumbs up from me!!



I think you did the right thing. But you should go by this:

Tell everyone (maybe not EVERYONE, but try to tell as many people as you can) at school that you found a tamagotchi. Wait 2 weeks for someone to claim it. If no one claims it, then keep it. But still, if someone finds out only like 3 weeks later (maybe they were on vacation and forgot it at school or something) and come to claim it, you should still give it to them. But make sure it's really theirs, first. And DON'T PUT IT IN THE LOST AND FOUND! My friend steals pencils from there! She'll look in lost pencil cases and take what she thinks is cool. She stole a japanese pen. I saw her. I was right next to her.

Hope I helped!


I used to put a note for Lost and found stuff for school when I was younger.

It turns out that the whole time a girl in one of my classes was being stupid again (she was a bit of a thief who broke into peoples lockers and stole games and V-Pets, etc.)

I caught her when my Digimon V-Pet was missing, she made the un-knowingly mistake of not only Having the V-Pet out in the open, but she did not remove the Tamer-Tag ID, which I clearly knew my number right away, asked her if I could read what was on the tag (which she was dumb enough to let me do) Quickly grabbed it out of her hands once I found that it was Mine. Unfortunately, she murderized the poor Agumon, she didn't clean it's poop, she over-fed it, completely ruined the Greymon track I was on. so it turned into a Numemon instead.

ppl steal things from lost and found all the time, I caught my friend talking about how she found her cool sweater there.lots of ppl just take stuff.
That just sickens me. Why do ppl have to steal?

I think you did the right thing. Was it a V1, V2, V3, or V4?

Your a tama-hero!(lol :lol: )


Well it might not have been left there on purpose. It might have fell off someone's backpack or out of their pocket or something and they didn't know it. And they may be worried about it but maybe afraid to tell anybody because they aren't supposed to have it at school? Alot of schools don't allow them at all and asking someone about your lost Tama could get you in trouble for even having it there. You did the right thing taking care of it, since the owner couldn't, but don't assume it was being abused. There could actually be a reason for it.. keep trying to find the owner, but be careful saying ti was left or abused, just say you found a lost tama and if someone comes up to claim it have them tell you it's name and the user name to make sure it's theirs cause people might try to steal it. But since you've had it this long and nobody has tried claiming it, I'd say it's yours to keep. The person who lost it may have already bought another one to replace it so they don't care about finding that one. and yeah, I wouldn't put it in the Lost and Found because they don't make people prove stuff is theirs before they take it and the person who DID lose it could still be looking. You might leave a note in the Lost and Found saying something about finding a Tama and to find you if they think it's yours. That way they could ask you about it in person and nobody else would take it from there. Just an idea.

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Maybe you should have asked someone around if they knew if this was theirs. I think you did the right thing to care for it but maybe someone lost it. :D Awww how sad!

You certainly did the right thing caring for it, but I would wait a while before keeping it. Ask people at your school if they lost a Tama (make them describe it so you know it was really theirs) and if no one wants it back, then just keep it. :huh:


-Tamaguy#1 :D

If they didn't look for it every where they dont care. Take it. Its FREE. And its yours now trust me. Someone could say its theirs and its not. Take my word For it. An old saying explains it all.........

Finders keepers

Losers weepers

Its true once I found a ring and took it. Its free ....................TAKE IT!!

[SIZE=21pt]TRUST me!![/SIZE]

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