I got a new Apple iMac computer today!


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Well-known member
Dec 31, 2006
Reaction score
Long Island,New York
Today my dad got a new iMac Macintosh Computer today for my mom's birthday!

It's my first Macintosh that I have. The other computers that I have are all Dell!

awesome! i think macs are way better than pcs..

Someone who agres with me, all my friends think Macs are rubbish and slow, thats just because they don't use a Mac Usually, they're stuck at home on Dells and Slow PC's, and once when my friend told me that my Computer was rubbish, she accused me the next day of sending a virus to her computer, and her computer doesn't have to software to deal with virus's, so I thought 'And your saying my computer rubbish!', (I actually checked my sent emails later to find out I hadn't sent her a virus atall!)

I use a Apple Imac at home, we have total *counts on fingers* 5 macs including my mum and dads mac laptops, what kind of Imac have you got, it may be the same as mine, can you post a link with a picture of it?


I really don't like the design, I much prefer Windows to iMac. I think Windows is much easier to organise and handle, but that's a matter of opinion, I suppose.

Me like Macs! here be funny reasons that they be better than PCs -> click me!
the computer I use be a laptop Mac :D

I like those ads and I read the bit below, and Apple really have their case straight and Rensa, I think Macs are much better organised, with a little pop up dock that you can choose wjere to put it, the bottom, to the left, to the right, I find when I use windows and Dell they take longer to start up and need to take a few minutes to get the internet connection up, Macs you simply turn on, they are there in a matter of 45 seconds, or less and the internet doesn't need to be dial up, its just automaaticly connected when you get on, and when you start up a Mac you can get up programmes quickly without the lag like a Dell/Windows/PC.

Plus they are smaller than Dells etc. not moniter wise, but there is no big box type thing, the computer is attached direct to the computer, I'll show you a example, This is what I work on

Imac - Clicky

PLUS I think they look cool, you can move the moniter aound with ease!

My opinion.


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