I got Billotchi!


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Jan 14, 2007
Reaction score
well i took good care of my tama never letting the hungry or happy hearts go down less than 1 down.

i was hoping to get mametchi but i got billotchi.


i even listened to the tips

I hav no idea...but i am pretty sure that you got a rare tama...?

yup billotchi is a rare tama according to rumours billotchi or siply known as bill is named after bill clinton

i wonder imagine bandai made a tamamgotchi chracter called bushtchi (get it? bush)

lol...that wood be so kool...and funny...they kood make it so its the opposite of rare...wats that...umm...commen? yer just to annoy ppl :D

he looks like this

click this

Ohmigosh that is sooo cute...i havent cn it b4 tho...but i dont think its as rare as "bill"

he looks like thisclick this

Yes, Bill is the secret character one. On the v3 he is not secret he is a normal care character. (The President Tamgotchi)

Billotchi is the Penguin. Billotchi comes from average care. You did a good job! :D Just do better the next the time. Make sure he/she as high discplince. Check on it every 5-30 minutes. Make sure it's hunger and hungry meter doesn't get lower than 2. Play games to make it happy instead of feeding it snacks on the time and Make sure he isn't barely fat. Sometimes you will get Tamagotchi characters randomly. So these are just some tips.

;) Locky458
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you got the secret charecter!!!! my brother has got him before.

PEOPLE, [SIZE=12pt]She/he is talking BILLOTCHI THE PENGUIN! :huh: [/SIZE]

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As Locky458 said, sometimes the character just comes randomly. I just have one more thing to add- try not to feed it snacks, because it makes the Tama spoilt. Play games when it's unhappy, and you can feed the Tama two extra meals after the Hungry hearts are full to gain weight.

i dont think that Billotchi's rare cause i already had him before. no offence though... sorry

well i didnt think he was rare other people thought i got the bill character

i`ve had a billotchi. i kind of took bad care of it. ^_^ but i really treasured it. i hope i helped...

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