I gOt My V3 yEsTeRdAy!


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Well-known member
Oct 23, 2005
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My house ;)
I got my v3 yesterday! My dad was at Wal-Mart and my mom called him and told him about what they look like and where they might be. And guess what? It was almost 9:30PM at night! It's a good thing we had a blizzard otherwise they'd have all been gone by now! :unsure:

My V3 is light pink with ice-cream cones on it! It's a girl, her name is CUTI, and she's a Tamatchi, evolved from a Shiroteletchi. I LOVE MY NEW V3!

i got my version 3 today! it is the tropical flowers. i got it from wal mart . it is a mizutamatchi and its name is happy. :eek: :p

was dat in usa? cause i live in canada and i don't know where to get one...

I got one too! TOday! It's transparent yellow! I got it from toys r us! :puroperatchi:
I got that one, too!!!! But I got it from Target! I love it so so so much!

It's really cool that you guys have V3's (I want one)

but this doesn't go on this section...

Even thought congrats xD

I live in England, and it's so cool cos I'm the only person in the school with a v3 cos they don't cum till may 3rd here!!!!!!!!!!!1 :lol:

oohhh guys that got a v3 yesterday: I hatched mine then. Wanna be in a group hatch with me?

I got my v3 yesterday! My dad was at Wal-Mart and my mom called him and told him about what they look like and where they might be. And guess what? It was almost 9:30PM at night! It's a good thing we had a blizzard otherwise they'd have all been gone by now! :wacko: My V3 is light pink with ice-cream cones on it! It's a girl, her name is CUTI, and she's a Tamatchi, evolved from a Shiroteletchi. I LOVE MY NEW V3!
Congratulations on getting a V3! I have got 3!

*tama star*

V3's rock i have a blue camo and a v2 that and has little circle candys on it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I got my v3 like 2 weeks ago at wal-mart my sister got pink with ice cream and i got blue camoulflage :D :angry:

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