I got this tama called 23


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Well-known member
Jan 1, 2005
Reaction score
Toronto, Canada
Wtf, i got this tama called 23. I have no idea how to describe it. It has a weird tail thing and realy ugly.

Try not to swear on this site, it's a family site, but, the one you're talking about is a Whaletchi and I personally, think he's not that bad. Not as bad as some characters.

Try not to swear on this site, it's a family site, but, the one you're talking about is a Whaletchi and I personally, think he's not that bad. Not as bad as some characters.
What was the swear word?! OH...WTF ( ops please dont report)

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Oh, you mean Hatenatchi? The whale with a heart shaped tail? I had him once. He's really not so bad.


Oh, you mean Hatenatchi? The whale with a heart shaped tail? I had him once. He's really not so bad.MERRY CHRISTMAS! :marumimitchi: :puroperatchi:
ya, why did they call it a 23 on the Tamadex?

Rivenn has named it. I just dont think Rivenn has updated it to be called what it is suppose to be called.. He updates in chunks, so if he only has one minor update to do, he will wait till he has more things to update then do it all in one chunk.


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