I have a HUGE fear... Its stupid but its scary


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My worst fear is one of my catfish dying :/ Yeah.

But dogs freak me out. idk why, they just do. A lot. They're so... barkin'.

im afraid of being overpowered. (both phisicly and mentally)

and of a certain girl's life outside of school.

she is a great friend at school, but i think she spreads odd, personal information when not in school.

I forgot to say I have a fear of blood. It's like I can smell it, though I think I'm just hallucinating or something.

Let's see... *counts on fingers* Wasps, the dark, and car accidents. >.< I've been scared of wasps since summer day camp when I was four (one zoomed up to me D:). I've always been scared of the dark, something about it is just so, menacing. I developed my fear of car accidents last year. We watched this movie in school where this kid was hit by a car. It completely freaked me out. Oh, and I'm scared of Furbies... *don't ask*

I forgot to say my other fears. xO

Lets see...

I'm scared of the dark (sometimes)

Bees (except I think the small little fuzzy ones are cute and cuddly)

Stairs (especially when they are small)

Walking (i tend to trip and fall alot)

Being alone (sometimes I will dance and act like an idiot and sometimes I will run around screaming and being a scared idiot)

Probably more. xD

Oh, I also have a fear of birds. You know how some ladies, whenever a mouse comes they jump around and scream? well that's like me and birds.

I did that today at the pool.. the other people were not very happy T.T

I'm freaked out by balloons. Talk about a stupid fear. My 5th grade teacher blew one up in class and told us she was going to pop it. I pretended not to care, but right before she did, I started crying and ran out of the room. It's not the noise that scares me, though...Weird.

We got needles at schoo0l, and I watched them put it in. ;D

I have a severe fear called Emetophobia. If I am in the same house/school of someone who vomits, I vomit, and have a total freakout.

We got needles at schoo0l, and I watched them put it in. ;DI have a severe fear called Emetophobia. If I am in the same house/school of someone who vomits, I vomit, and have a total freakout.
That phobia is very, very common. I may even have it, for I am really afraid of throwing up. But I haven't thrown up since I was 3, so thats 7 and a half years ago. I just freak even if someone says they are going to throw up.

I'm scared of my room at night...

Because i think there's going to be a burglur that is going to peek in the window then break in... :blink:

At the moment, I am scared to death of the swine flu. A feared 20-something cases in Australia. No doubt its here already :(

I have a bad habit of running wildly down the stairs and jumping the last few. My mom freaks out when I do it. I have fallen a few times XD The only stairs I'm slightly afraid of are the ones...well it's hard to explain them. The ones that have nothing between them and theres a gaping hole under each one. I always think I'm going to fall through the space XD And the ones in Boomerang Bay at King's Island freak me out because they sway in the wind.
I afraid of stairs that have big gaps between tem too. For the same reson as you.

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