I have a HUGE fear... Its stupid but its scary


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Hey, mine's the worst on this list. Don't worry about irrational fears. I have a fear of yarn. Sweaters that aren't made of large strands of yarn and don't have a huge weave are fine with me. But I HATE quilts, blankets, carpets, bathroom mats, etc if they're made of yarn. I cannot LOOK at them without shuddering and I cannot touch them or walk on them (even with shoes on!) without the urge to scream and disinfect myself. I especially hate it unwound from something or when it's in a ball or bundle. I thought I'd be over it by now, but I'm 15 and still got it! Which is really bad 'cause I have 2 aunts who LOVE knitting so going to visit them (or them visiting my home) is MURDER and I can't let out a squeak about it.

Oh yeah and I'm afraid of the dark too. I was getting over it when I was 11 but then on an 14-hour and way boring airplane flight I watched the Ring 2 on the TV and have had a horrible creeping fear of the dark since then. I'm slooowly getting over it, but that was 4 frickin' years ago! Sometimes at night when everything's dark and quiet, I stare at a certain corner of my room for a while and try decide if I'm seeing shadows or IS THERE A GIRL STANDING THERE WITH HER HAIR HANGING OVER HER FACE?!?! And then I think after staring too long it looks like it came closer and then when I get the urge to scream I flick the light on (thank goodness. I have a switch next to the door and one right right next to my bed, at the right height so I can just reach it when I'm lying down) and then calm down when I see there's nothing there. I still hate that fear though. Curse those horror movies....


It creeps me out, and ever since Steve Irwin (sp) died, I'm terrified a shark's gonna come and eat my legs off or something D:

Also, the stairs, they're just those normal bumpy things I fall down. You get used to them, once your face has come in close contact with them several times. I love that feeling in your stomach, but I hate it at the same time. ;D

My goodness. I thought I already replied to this?

But I guess I didn't. :I

I don't think I have any PHOBIAS -- well, I lied. I have one thing that I would say is a phobia, or used to be.

I am terrified of being kidnapped.

The fear isn't so bad anymore, but it used to be AWEFUL.

I have to have my blinds and curtains to my room closed at night.

I have the light on my iHome set to bright.

And I have to have my cell phone under my pillow.

I still do that, but I used to sleep on the floor on the side of my room opposite the window.

I would lay there and just cry and cry.

I'd be afraid to fall asleep.

My room is on the second story, and from my window there is a straight drop.

But I was still terrified.

It's completely irrational, because I've never been kidnapped, nor anybody else I know.

It's not as bad now, but it still scares me. :X

I'm afraid of my house catching on fire.

Or myself getting caught on fire.

I'm afraid of shots - injections. I can get blood drawn no problem, but I really freak out when there are needles/shots around. I get a migrane and my muscles automatically tighten up.

Spiders scare me, hahah. But not to a point of a phobia. If I see one, I scream, but after I calm myself down I can go over and squish it.

I'm sure there's more, but I think that's it.

I'm scared of spiders, wasps,bumblebees, tornadoes, stairs, and heights.

I know, I'm a scardey(spelling) cat.

I gots a bad fear too D;

Throwing up.

It's SCARY. o_O



Heights (a little)



Things dying

People stealing my stuff

Falling down stairs

Yep, I'm a wimp. xD

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Yeah, everyone is scared of something.
Im freaked out by dolls. I can't really avoid them. They're just everywhere! Try and get over it. Maybe when you're going up stairs, don't go fast. Take your time and hold on to the rail on the side.

Good Luck xxx
Same, especially porcelien ones, I've got tons in my room so I either make them up high or put them away where they can't POSSIBLY 'get out' I think they're gonna get me eek.

Ready to hear my worst and stupidest fear(and enemy) here?


Especialy those mean hens. Whenever I go to Mexico, I get pecked or threatened by at least one hen. :rolleyes:

More Fears:

Cockaroaches. Ugh. Even dead ones. *shudders* :rolleyes:

Dying Tamagotchies in the middle of the night. ._.

Stairs and Escalators. And veiwable Elevators.

Missingno. Don't even start. *Pokemon Red glitches up with Missingno.* Man! Fox Dung! :rolleyes:

And finnaly... the Tails Doll. :eek:

I don't think your fear is stupid! I always had a fear of stairs, I grew up in a one-level house and houses with stairs would freak me out and then when I moved out of my parents house our Townhouse had stairs and I just got used to it, The house I'm living in now is a three level house so sometimes You have to use two flights of stairs. hehe

I used to have really bad neophobia - fear of thunder

I used to cry even if I herd the slightest thunder. I got over it

I now have claustrophobia, an anxiety disorder. You can't make me go in an elevator. I had about 2 panic attacks from them already.

I am also afraid at looking at big buildings. If I do I faint

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I am afraid of spiders...I never got over it...I am still afraid of them, I have been afraid of them since I was 0!

Ready to hear my worst and stupidest fear(and enemy) here?

Especialy those mean hens. Whenever I go to Mexico, I get pecked or threatened by at least one hen. -_-

More Fears:

Cockaroaches. Ugh. Even dead ones. *shudders* :)

Dying Tamagotchies in the middle of the night. ._.

Stairs and Escalators. And veiwable Elevators.

Missingno. Don't even start. *Pokemon Red glitches up with Missingno.* Man! Fox Dung! :angry:

And finnaly... the Tails Doll. :eek:
Oh yeah, and squirrels. I hate them and I'm scared of them. ._.

[SIZE=7pt]I have a fear of being alone.[/SIZE]

I also have a huge fear of fire. Whenever I see it, my lungs feel like smoke, my heart feels to heavy, and I can't breathe. So. Therefore, no fire by me :)

I have this phobia of not going to the toilet on time.


This one time, at my girlfriends house, she wouldn't let me pee. She said to wait 5 minutes. I couldn't.

I used to be scared of my old ringtone.

it went of in the middle of the night it said


I got scared so i changed it. ._.

myne is worse.im scared of my ALARM CLOCK.well,im not scared of it,but what does scare me is thatwhen im in bed or playin of somthing i nmy room,out of nowhere it goes 'ttttttttttuuuuuu'in a very low scary voice.

Missingno. Don't even start. *Pokemon Red glitches up with Missingno.*
That thing scares me so much too. O.O

I am VERY afraid of bees. I hear a buzzing in my ear and I just run screaming! Trust me.
Same with me! Last summer i wasn't so bad but now i'm terriefied of them! Today when I was at school and bee flew by(it wasn't even near me) and I scream and back away.

I also have a very strange fear, I've never heard of anyone having the same fear as me. Whenever i'm swinging(on a swingset) or in a car, I always think that i'm going to hit a car beside me, or the car mirror at the side will smash into a sign. When it's windy outside and i'm swinging I think that i'll hit the other swing swaying beside me. Then i'll have to get off.

I am afraid of those big black palmetto bugs they get during the monsoon season down in Phoenix. I'm also afraid of spiders, and those huge centipedes. If you live in AZ, you know what I'm talking about.

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