I have a tamagotchi 2!!!!!


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Is nice that they added the "pause function" for when your away for a short time. They look really funny just standing still :eek:

Hey Guys. I got my connexion v 2 in the mail today. Unfortunately, I had to go to Boston for the day, so I just got to start it now. I have the see through pink.


I just bid on a clear pink one and I think I won. My mom doesn't know, but I bid using my own card(a debit card I got a year + ago with some cash on it) so it's my money and my gotch. I'm excited ;)

Well, I couldn't resist either. I went on ebay and bought a version 2 "buy it now". It's black with purple buttons.

My version 1 is all plain silver (limited edition) with no writing on the front - I love it!

Well, I couldn't resist either. I went on ebay and bought a version 2 "buy it now". It's black with purple buttons.
Wow, black with purple buttons, I bet it looks fab, I love black! My V.1 is black with white buttons.

I haven't actually received it yet, it's being posted tomorrow. The black with purple buttons did look very striking though on the picture. It was the only one on the whole of ebay in those colours, so I thought it was pretty special!

There out in the UK and i'm in the uk.
THERE OUT IN THE U.K??? I'm in the U.K! GRRAAAGGH!! Need... Tama... Connexion... V2!!

My version 1 is all plain silver (limited edition) with no writing on the front - I love it!
A connexion is that so? If it is a connexion... it must be fake. All connexions have "TAMAGOTCHI" on the front. Or, you might have mistaken a plus for a connexion... I dunno...

OI got one today n my parents dont know :( i just said the game i got was 30 pounds for numerous resons so theres my 10 quid gone :unsure: does anybody know who the charecters names are?r have a code

I haven't actually received it yet, it's being posted tomorrow. The black with purple buttons did look very striking though on the picture. It was the only one on the whole of ebay in those colours, so I thought it was pretty special!
You got the American Version then :( I was going to get a Connexion but I always liked the American colors better. I guess they didn't have enough supply in the UK so they shipped over some of the US Stock since they weren't planning on releasing ours for a month or so anyway...

:( :( :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :ph34r: i need help is my tamagotchi connection rare it is pearlized peach plz repley
comments is not the place for this psot i think you should post help for new tamagotchi owners please that would be the right pleace for that Post

Does any know yet if the V2 can connect with the Keitai??? I really want to know! I just bought myself a Keitai and pretty soon I'll be getting a V2 as well...

I'd really appreciate if any would share some information. I'm dying to find out. :p

Yes, I'm pretty sure it can. I don't have the information sitting in front of me, but I'm almost 100% sure that it can (I've read that it can in like 4 different places. Including a source outside of TamaTalk).

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Ahh thank you so much! :p I would hate to have a Keitai and not be able to have it mate/have friends. But you would think that the V2 could connect, right? lol I just wanted more opinions before I freaked out with more confusion. lol

Yes, the Keitai can Connect with the V2. I made a thread about it in this forum somewhere.

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