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Should I be taking care of my TMGO, or my V3?

  • Definitely the V3!

    Votes: 4 40.0%
  • Definitely the Tama-GO!

    Votes: 3 30.0%
  • Whatever works for you in the long run!

    Votes: 3 30.0%

  • Total voters
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Well-known member
Aug 21, 2011
Reaction score
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Hey guys!!

I've been gone for quite a long time. I apologize. Wasn't my intention.

I have been busier than I am willing to admit.

Got a full time manager job for Logitech, got accepted into school next year and my husband has moved back to Australia because he was offered a position in his specialized field of training, so he's off to do his apprenticeship. Then I'll be moving to Australia when I finish up my own schooling

:) Exciting. I can't wait.

Now - during the interview I had, way back when in October, I was looking after my V4, the pink one, and he grown into his final adult stage, and was about a day away from being able to have more babies.

The interview was FOUR HOURS LONG, because I had to go through security testing, technology testing, customer service testing, manager testing and then the final interview right on the spot.

So... Ugh.

After that, and after all the moving, dealio stuff that went on - I couldn't be bothered to start any of my Tamagotchis again. I am feeling the yearn for it, now. Not because I am lonely as my husband is back in Australia, or anything, it's more so because I like having that extra little thing to do and take care of

:) That extra bout of responsibility. Even when I'm in school, I will try running one of them, be it my V3, V4 or Tama-Go.

I LOVE my iD L, but as you all know from my log, I had a devastating time with it when I was on the bus one day, and now it's all boxed up in it's original packaging and won't be run again for a very long, long time. It's too expensive and too precious to me to risk having something happen to it.

So - I guess my big question here is :




I would like to start one up again, and I enjoy the GO, as it's not as easy to lose, but it upsets me how the faceplate is all scratched to h*ll and such.

The other two are most pristine condition and function perfectly, are smaller to take with me for out and about trips, but also smaller to the point where I have lost them before for a few hours, close to a couple days and didn't know what to do...


So - feedback and responses please!!


Also - It feels so good to be back!!


WB :)

The V4 is one of my favorites so I suppose I'd say go with it - but it depends if you have the time to build up the points in the mini games, etc.

The V3 is more low maintenance and if life is a little hectic right now, what with a new job and prep for school next year, then maybe it's a better option for you.

You could always run the V3 for a generation or two, then move onto the V4?

Good Luck :)

Hey there FBW - welcome back! Good to hear life is treating you well!

It sounds like you're going to be a busy gal and I'm assuming you'll be bringing your Tama along with you to work? If so, I'd recommend the V3 like TamaMum had mentioned. Low maintenance like the TamaGo, but more compact and discrete to accommodate your work adventures.

Again, nice to have you back!

YAY, my favorite logger is back!! I suggest running the T-Go, since you have a job and its low matinence. As you can see from my signature, I'm running a T-Go too, and I'm lovin it!!

Well, I don't think you've run your V3 in your log (Or not for very long, if you have ;) ) so I vote for the V3. :)

Hey guys!

Thank you for all the very valuable input!! :) I appreciate it, hugely.

So, I've narrowed it down to the Tama-GO, and the V3.

I don't mind the bulkiness of the GO, and I don't mind the small compact-ness of the V3.

Having the Go at work, doesn't bother me. We're all a bunch of nerds that play card games, trading card games, and DS's at work, and such. So, in reality, the size and the fact of what it is, doesn't bother me. I'm an operations manager so I'll be at my desk all the time and can keep it hidden if I need to, though people wouldn't care really, I don't think.

If they do, not a worry, since it's very low maintenance.

I find that the older the Tama-Go gets, the more the friendship meter randomly goes down... It's weird. I don't mind, it's kinda cute, but I've noticed it.

The V3, is rather vintage to me, and I have one of the rare cases that was released for a very short time. The screen and case is in perfect condition, whereas the TMGO is a little scuzzy because of the little faceplate being scratched up.

But anyway.. It comes down to those two. I wouldn't mind running either of them <3

Help me still! haha.

I've started my V3 as well, testing out which one is more low maintenance. I don't mind the size of the Tama-Go anymore, so work and school adventures don't concern me, I just need something that won't beg for my attention every 30 minutes, but I can still care for. :)

Hey, welcome back.

I would continue with the v3 its low mait. while still keeping your attention with games and items. I haven't ran mine since vacation (march/april) I should.... Its still pretty enjoyable over all.


gald your back! I only just returned as well!!

I would reccomend the v3 if your too busy to look after tamas, because they are easy to care for, and low mait. But if you do have a little more time then got for the TGMO they are so much fun!!!!

Hope i helped :)



I have been running both Tamagotchi all day.

The v3 and the Go. So far, the Go has been sooooooo low mait that it's not funny. I've had to check up on it twice and had to take care of it, if you will, once.

The v3, not so much. Granted, it might be because it is still a toddler, therefore not an adult, but it's been far more needy. Getting sick every few hours because it's out of hearts and such.

I'm going to run them both to term, at least until I head into work on Monday and see how it goes. If it's still the same, care wise, I will probably just deal with the Tama-GO.

Then, despite anything, I am going to still purchase one of the second wave TMGO devices around xmas, or a little after :) I'd love to see how it reacts differently to the screen and the buttons avec the screen. The big cover screen is such a fail. Screws with the buttons and everything.

So... :)

That's my verdict so far. The TMGO is much more laid back :)

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