i have something to ask.


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snappy c g

Well-known member
Jun 3, 2009
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okay the title was wied (i could not think of anything better)but anyway all the girls i ever talk to say they like bad boys!!! now girls give your honest oppinion do you actually like a guy or do you like the guy and date him because of his popularity,money etc, but not because you like like him! all the girls i know just date boys because of their money popularity etc, you see this is why i started this because i am a realy nice nice guy but i dont act cool you know have my cap on backwards or walk like a hippie and give nerds wedgies and act all pimpy like im cool and im big an bad son of a gun!!! so i was just wondering is that what girls are realy like? or are they different

like i said i am quiet and NICE!!! and all the other boys are act like they are all big and bad which i think people like that are..../. i am not sayin!!!

and girls supposedly just love em!!!

Well,It depends on what type of girl it is.If you like a girl,go up to her and spend as much time with her as you can so you can get to know her.

I don't know if this helps but alot of people tell me smart girls like cute funny guys.

But like I said before,spend time with her and get to know her.

Nice guys don't tend to do well with girls when they are young like in school but once you are out, the world changes and you'll find someone worth having.

I never understood why kids were in such a hurry to pair up. When you are in school, it's basically pointless anyway.

I didn't bother until I was out of high school. So it's ok to not have a boyfriend/girlfriend. It will happen.

And yes, I like nice guys. I never liked bad boys. Nice boys have better lives in the long run. So don't be too down now. You'll find someone. So what if it doesn't happen now. Life is long. You've got plenty of other things to do.

okay the title was wied (i could not think of anything better)but anyway all the girls i ever talk to say they like bad boys!!! now girls give your honest oppinion do you actually like a guy or do you like the guy and date him because of his popularity,money etc, but not because you like like him! all the girls i know just date boys because of their money popularity etc, you see this is why i started this because i am a realy nice nice guy but i dont act cool you know have my cap on backwards or walk like a hippie and give nerds wedgies and act all pimpy like im cool and im big an bad son of a gun!!! so i was just wondering is that what girls are realy like? or are they different
like i said i am quiet and NICE!!! and all the other boys are act like they are all big and bad which i think people like that are..../. i am not sayin!!!

and girls supposedly just love em!!!
Oh god i hate men like that

I know, because there was this kid in my school who was like this and he used to punch people and overlyused the word "faggot". To be honest, if that kid got hit by a truck i would actually be pleased because that kid was scum! and yes i have no soul!

Enough complaining and now for my opinion

Well i just like men who are in the middle. I do not like overly nice men or big jerks. But i truly like funny men

I'm having a brain fart today

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Why do people think ALL girls act the same way? One girl does not speak for all of them. Get that straight. Don't ask questions like "Do girls like flowers?!" because some girls may like flowers, but other's may not. Girls are human too, and as humans, no one is identical. As for me, I like boys who are smart and do well in school, and are athletic too. They have to be nice, and not stupid jerkfaces. And I hate narcissists and boys who think boys are better than girls.

Why do people think ALL girls act the same way? One girl does not speak for all of them. Get that straight. Don't ask questions like "Do girls like flowers?!" because some girls may like flowers, but other's may not. Girls are human too, and as humans, no one is identical. As for me, I like boys who are smart and do well in school, and are athletic too. They have to be nice, and not stupid jerkfaces. And I hate narcissists and boys who think boys are better than girls.

Nice guys don't tend to do well with girls when they are young like in school but once you are out, the world changes and you'll find someone worth having.
I never understood why kids were in such a hurry to pair up. When you are in school, it's basically pointless anyway.

I didn't bother until I was out of high school. So it's ok to not have a boyfriend/girlfriend. It will happen.

And yes, I like nice guys. I never liked bad boys. Nice boys have better lives in the long run. So don't be too down now. You'll find someone. So what if it doesn't happen now. Life is long. You've got plenty of other things to do.

like i said most all girls like bad boys!!!

I agree with Doodle-Bear.

If you like a girl, try to become friends with her.

And be yourself. Don't act like anyone else, I can't stand it when I boy tries to act like other people. It's plain annoying.

You could tell some jokes also.

I hope this helped. I'm not that good at giving advice.

Thank you.

Rawry has a point.Her opinion connects with mine.Not all girls are the smae.So Spend time with her.Ask her quetions about what she likes.

Well, honestly, if a girl is only after popularity or money, then she is not worth having. You need someone who will love you for you and respect you, and if you always respect women and show them love, then you will find someone worth having. So, don't bother with those girls not worth having. Usually, you start getting into meaningful relationships during your senior year of high school and later on, so don't worry about it too much now. :D

Nope, the guy I like isn't the most popular or a geek.

He is QUITE bad though. & by quite I mean alot.

But, that's not why I like him, it's because he's very

caring & nice towards me. I actually wished he behaved more...

& yes be yourself. There this guy who I know likes me, & he

tries to act like his best friend because he knows we both like

eachother. It's really obvious and IS SO ANNOYING. I like it when

someone is kind & caring & you can have a friendship with them.

[ps. because I editted this to add the last paragraph


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Why do people think ALL girls act the same way? One girl does not speak for all of them. Get that straight. Don't ask questions like "Do girls like flowers?!" because some girls may like flowers, but other's may not. Girls are human too, and as humans, no one is identical. As for me, I like boys who are smart and do well in school, and are athletic too. They have to be nice, and not stupid jerkfaces. And I hate narcissists and boys who think boys are better than girls.
I second that!

Really, not all girls like bad boys. Not even most of them do.

Personally, I like guys who are really passionate about something. My boyfriend at the moment is passionate about music, like I am. I like him because he actually considers my feelings, dismisses my flaws, and he's easy to talk to. He admits he's a nerd, and I admit I'm a nerd, so we're good there. :D

If you want a girl, I suggest you speak up, but keep your personality. Don't change yourself. There will be a girl somewhere out there who will accept you for who you are because you will accept her. :)

Well.. The boys I always end up with tend to be the bad boys. The ones that do drugs, drink, and get into fights.

But that's just me. I've never really thought about it, I just figured it was coincidence. But this got me thinking...

I think I always end up with them because they push my limits, which most people don't do. Like, I'll wanna go do something crazy and stupid, and my friend will be like, "I don't know.. Sounds dangerous.." But when I'm with a 'bad boy', that gets switched around, and life is just so much more exciting. I get bored with most boys, I'll admit that. But with them, I never do.

That's just me though, and I am fully aware that I'm a freak. If you're in the market to attract someone like me, then you still don't have to be a bad boy, but being nice just doesn't cut it. You have to push the limits, with everything. Don't go to far, but still, don't be normal xD

For most happy, nice girls, just being polite will make you seem so much better than most other boys, and will definitely get you where you want. The conclusion of the story is: Girls like nice guys. Don't listen to Phoebe's messed up mind.

I like nice boys. I feel too intimidated and pressured around "bad boys", though I sometimes I admire and fantasize about them from a far. I just know that I would never feel comfortable around them, at least at this stage of the game. Deep down inside, I'm a goody-goody XD

But I'm going to be honest with you -- if the guy isn't cute, than no. I can't help it, and maybe I feel this way only because I've never been in love with someone yet -- I've only lusted.

I agree with Mothra. Don't change. Once you're out in the real world, you're gonna shine.

I don't like 'bad boys'. I like boys I could confide in, they'd understand me, and would like me just as much if we were only friends and not lovers. "Boyfriend" is just a different version of "friend", right? So be a friend.

Though, of course, all girls like different types of guys. It all depends on what the girls' preferences are. We all think at least a bit different, like no two snowflakes are alike.

I agree with Ana.

I don't want to date a guy for his money of popularity if he won't even understand or love me.

I like guys who talk to me, have a sense of humor, and are decent looking.

I like a guy with the following:

Emo looks. I'm not too strict to this, but I would prefer an emo looking cutie xD But as long as they care for me, that part doesn't matter xD

Funny: He needs to be serious when he needs to be, but still have a great sense of humor and can make me laugh

Pressure: I don't want him to pressure me into things I don't want to do. Like: Cheating, Stealing, Sex, drugs all that stuff

Love: He needs to love me <3

Well.. The boys I always end up with tend to be the bad boys. The ones that do drugs, drink, and get into fights.
But that's just me. I've never really thought about it, I just figured it was coincidence. But this got me thinking...

I think I always end up with them because they push my limits, which most people don't do. Like, I'll wanna go do something crazy and stupid, and my friend will be like, "I don't know.. Sounds dangerous.." But when I'm with a 'bad boy', that gets switched around, and life is just so much more exciting. I get bored with most boys, I'll admit that. But with them, I never do.

That's just me though, and I am fully aware that I'm a freak. If you're in the market to attract someone like me, then you still don't have to be a bad boy, but being nice just doesn't cut it. You have to push the limits, with everything. Don't go to far, but still, don't be normal xD

For most happy, nice girls, just being polite will make you seem so much better than most other boys, and will definitely get you where you want. The conclusion of the story is: Girls like nice guys. Don't listen to Phoebe's messed up mind.
FeeBee I love your post and it made me think of someone xD

Anyways To me i dont really care It has to be someone i just really like not because they are "Cool" But i dont know thats just me...I want someone to be themself x.x But i dont really know I think everygirl has her own point of view on this xD

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