I just found a way to succesfully


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thanks for that i might try it later on

This is old. xD

i did it before


i still do it all the time to my V2s

I've never debugged my Tama before... but it don't sound good at all!

Here I'll remind you why not to do it:

*The eraser dust could get in your Tamagotchi. This would cause it to be stuck and be dis-functional.

*You could lose screws as you pull it apart. This would make your Tama be not able to screw back together!

*If you've never done it before, you can't be sure that it actually works!

*You could press the wrong button, unsrew the wrong screw, etc. And totally bugger you're Tama forever.

*Instructions for a V3 could be different to instructions for a V2 Tama and you may be following instructions for a the opposite Version on Tama than your own!!

*Somebody could have typed a wrong mistake in the instructions and this could fail you...

Here are just a few disasters that could happen to your Tama if you tried to 'Un-Bug' it.

I totally don't recomend it, even if others say it works. If it does- wicked! And Good Luck! But you never know; afterwards, your Tama could be dis-functional forever later on after the De-Bug.

I hope you read and understood my point here... if you still want to Un-Bug ya Tama- go ahead! But if all else fails, remember everything I had written here that I warned you about. :(

Good Day and Good Luck!


:lol: B) :lol: :D :D :D
Don't Worry. xD


The V2 and V3 is almost the same thing on the inside. So you don't have to worry.

If they made instructions for both tamagotchis then you could compare them. i don't think they would make two instructions for debugging since the tamagotchis are very alike on the inside

ok so i had been reading this all over this forum and was so interested in trying it i dug around untill i finally found my v1's. i just got my v3's and didnt want to take them apart cuz they're all new and stuff. does anyone know if it ever hatches as a girl when its debugged? it seems like it's always a boy and idk if that's just chance or what happenes. i only did the one though cuz it took FOREVER to get those tiny screws off. after i got 3 of them i mad emy boyfriend help me and he pulled it too hard and ripped the speaker wires ;) i don't think that fixable so now he doesn't beep.. oh well guess if i try again i'll have to be more careful of that. ^_^

:eek: :D :( See, I trust you completly, and i have debugged many times with no flaws. but i havn't tried a V3 with your tecnique. I would try it, but once when my friend didn't listen when I said not to debug a V3, and he did OOOOOOOOOOOO you shoud've seen the mess!!! :D :p I'm not risking it yet. Maybe with my friend's new one . . . LOL :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Thanks for the great post!!!
My V3 is like my only entertainment. I have a V2 thats dead(no batteries) SOOOO yea I cant risk it but it sounds really interesting! I would love to try it!

Can you plz tell me if this works on v4?

Im really scared that im gonna break it! :D

Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Dont do it!Its pure evil I tell ya!EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :furawatchi: :) :) :wacko: :ph34r: ;) Im done now!

Did I make myself clear?

thanx i debugged my tamagotchi V3 thinking it would be kool but it turned out to be a bummer! ^_^ so i think i might try your advise for my V3! thanx again but might aswell wait till its baby is left for me to take care of kk thanx thanx thanx lol :ph34r: :p :mellow: :lol: :unsure: :ph34r: :lol:







3 yrs old

989 poounds currently married with baby gurl

Genoration 1 <_< :ph34r: :wacko: :D :mametchi: :mimitchi:


But I'll wait when my tama dies. Because if it reset, I will still have nothing.

It sounds awesome though.

Does it work on V4? :(

I once tried 2 debug my v2 but it broke and it has never worked since but i did debug my v1 succesfully its awsome! u can choose youre fave character and also live in hyperspeed its great!

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