I keep getting the mametchi


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Well-known member
Jun 20, 2007
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I try taking good care and bad care but I keep getting the mametchi. I like the mametchi but now I just keep reseting it because it JUST turnes into mametchi's. Now just as I finshed typing this he turned into a mametchi! And I took terrible care of him. I want the ninja guy but I don't really care aslong as I don't get the mametchi again.

I don't know what you have and havn't tried yet, but try keeping your tama at 99lbs. Don't give it training points and rarely ever play games with it. Don't feed it any treats, just the regular old snack food. I really hope this helped you, but if it didn't, I've run out of ideas.

^_^ greenalmonds :blink:

Is it debugged? When I debugged mine, all it did was evolve

into Mametchi or Mimitchi. It was like a pattern. Mametchi. Mimitchi, Mametchi,

Mimitchi. It was very annoying, but try what greenalmonds said.

I never play games. I can't feed it treats because it's a V1. It was 99Ilbs since it was a toddler. It has full training points. (Opps) I left it with poop beside him for awile. I left him sick for awile. (Not to long...I don't want him to die) He has had no hearts for awile. I don't know what I didn't do to get a different character. I don't think one thing would make too much of a difference. Oh yeah, I don't debug my tama's.

Well, I just remembered I read that to get a certain character, the number of training points and how you get them leads to which tamagotchi you end up getting. I read this for v2s, so it might work for v1s too.

:D greenalmonds :huh:

Mametchis are good characters. Try taking horrible, horrible care of your little tama, and he should be something else. Never give it training points, leave it alone for hours on end, let its poop pile up, make it really fat, leave it sick for awhile, and let its hearts empty out completely a few times. I've never had Mametchi on my V1, but my brother gets it a lot. I had a Mimitchi once. I usually get ducks. :)

I made it 99 pounds when it was a toddler, it was sick for hours, poop piled up, I played no games, I will try not to get training points. Mabey since Rom-tested my tama it will change the character. I am thinking of debuging so then I can chose the character. Oh well, I will try taking worse care when I get back home (I am on the laptop in a hotel :rolleyes: )

Just ignore it until it's very sick and about to die and then give it the medicine.


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Hey, you're lucky! When the V1 was popular, all my friends who had Tama's were terrible caretakers and were constantly leaving me to Tama-sit so they could have Mametchi's. So, you want a change? Let me intervene. Here's some tips on getting other characters.

Tarakotchi: Feed it meals as the hearts empty, but remember to constantly let the happy hearts drop. When it beeps because of lack of happy hearts, don't play with it. Feed it snacks. With discipline, only give Time Out's, NEVER praise. Poor guy...but that will get you a Tarakotchi.

Hanatchi/Androtchi: Basically, do the opposite as you would for Tarakotchi. Feed it snacks to keep it happy, but let it beep at you for meals. Once, and only once, may you ignore the beep for food and make it sick. Try to let it sleep with poop next to it. Also, only praise, NEVER give it Time Out's.

I can't remember how to get Kuchipatchi/Memetchi, but as soon as I remember, feel free to ask me how to get them.

I try taking good care and bad care but I keep getting the mametchi. I like the mametchi but now I just keep reseting it because it JUST turnes into mametchi's. Now just as I finshed typing this he turned into a mametchi! And I took terrible care of him. I want the ninja guy but I don't really care aslong as I don't get the mametchi again.
Ok I don't believe you. Here's why.

You can only get Mametchi on odd genorations (1, 3, 5, 7, etc...) and you said nothing about getting Mimitchi on the even genorations. Also I know that when you take terrible care of your tamagotchi V1, it will NOT turn into Mametchi.

Sorry I just don't believe what you are saying.


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