I live in constant fear?


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Try Honesty

Well-known member
Jun 26, 2009
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So for the past 2 years i've been experiencing this constant worrying problem!

Everyday i worry about my dad, mom, cats, sister, pretty much erryone i care about getting in an accident or dying. Plus i worry about my parents getting into huge arguments =/.

And then theres the fear of me dying. however i don't feel as badly anxious as stated above!

And sometimes i would get anxious over absolutely NOTHING!

I can't take this anymore! It's driving me f'in insane :( and i don't want to continue my life living like this!!! i want it gone!

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Whenever you start worrying, just reassure yourself that everyone is ok. No one's in an accident. No one's dying. Everyone's at home, just waiting to spend time with you. Take a few deep breaths, and think about things that make you happy.Maybe you should pick up a hobby that constantly distracts you? Friendship bracelets are great at that.

You could also always try talking about it.

I have noticed that drinking any alcoholic beverages or high caffeine beverages worsens the problem? ( which i tend to stay away from them because of this and that im trying to get weight off :eek: )

oh and thinking that errythings gonna be okay does not help. at all.

also i think this should be moved to the srs n-tt board.

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Talk to your doctor about Xanax. (Or consult your local drug dealer.)

Drugs are pretty much the answer for just about every one of life's problems nowadays.

A kid gets a little too rowdy and what do people do? They give them Riddelin or Adderall.

Feeling anxious or depressed? Prepare to not give a crap with the help of Xanax!

Since people don't hit their kids like they use to because everyone sues anybody and their momma, people have resorted to drugs.

I hope that helps. Because if being told to think happy thoughts isn't enough for you, drugs'll do it for you.

I agree with Violetchilluvr3, just keep in touch with the people you know and love so you know they're okay. If they're always emailing and texting you or living near you, you'll be able to check up on them anytime. Find a great hobby that makes you forget about bad stuff, like Tamas are good for that. Also sport and reading really takes your mind of worries. It might be a need of excitement and something to do that makes you fill up with anxiety. If you're the rowdy, physical, sport-loving type of person you should start playing sport or gymnatics. Fill all that empty space in your life and there will soon be no room for worries.

Can't tell if being serious.

Yes, clearly the best solution. D: D:
I'm being serious about looking into anxiety relieving drugs with a doctor.

[Especially since she dismissed the "thinking happy thoughts" suggestion from Violetchilluvr3.]

The drug dealer thing is more of a joke.

I'm being serious about looking into anxiety relieving drugs with a doctor.

[Especially since she dismissed the "thinking happy thoughts" suggestion from Violetchilluvr3.]

The drug dealer thing is more of a joke.

Is this really something to joke about? Anxiety and mood disorders are serious business to a lot of people.

Let's try not to get too off track here. Everyone responds to situations in various ways but I think we all can agree that matters like these can be serious.

It must be frustrating to feel worried or fearful all the time. One thing I recommend when you're feeling worrisome is to try and pull yourself back to the here and now. Don't worry about what has happened in the past or what may happen in the future. Recognize that your family is still there with you. Take lots of deep, calming breaths and remember that you're alive and well and that you've got a full life ahead of you. Definitely hone in on the positives in your life, the things you appreciate, the things that make you thankful. Even simple little things that make you smile can make a huge difference so do your best to focus on those things. I know, easier said than done. Baby steps. I think it's good that you've identified some possible triggers to your anxiety.

Lastly, talking about it with others is a fantastic start but if you start to feel that your anxiety is seriously impacting your daily living (especially to the point where you feel you can't function normally), you should see your primary care provider about it. Once you voice your concerns, they'll work with you and figure out the best treatment plan for you, whether or not it involves drugs, lifestyle changes, etc.

I hope you feel better. All my best thoughts and wishes to you.

Is this really something to joke about? Anxiety and mood disorders are serious business to a lot of people.
I was joking about drug dealers, not her anxeity issue.

I was being serious about tackling the problem with the help of a doctor.

I assumed she'd understand that the drug dealer comment is more of a mood lightener and not my insult to her problem or a suggestion that she hunt down an illegal drug dealer. Now that they have drugs for everything, there is probably a medical solution that she can go over with her doctor. My mom takes Xanax and it works. Just sayin'

I will recant my "Since people don't hit their kids like they use to because everyone sues anybody and their momma, people have resorted to drugs." quote because it was a bit thoughtless of me, and I take full responsibility as an adult and apologize for that statement. Everything else was said in light of the mood.

Yeah the drug dealer thing didn't offend me at all so its kay. kinda made me laugh a little lol.

Anyways i asked my mom if i can see if i can get help for this and maybe some medication and she told me im just being silly.

oh yes mom cause its so silly to be like this and sometimes not wanting to live because of this fear.

parents just fought badly, did not help AT ALL
Your mother is being unreasonable not hearing out her child's concerns.

If your parents won't help then seek a doctor on your own. Just call up and see what they can do.

Anyways i asked my mom if i can see if i can get help for this and maybe some medication and she told me im just being silly.

oh yes mom cause its so silly to be like this and sometimes not wanting to live because of this fear.

parents just fought badly, did not help AT ALL
Have you ever spoken to a school guidance counsellor? I always found them to be an invaluable resource (and a brill way of cutting class). If a doctor is too out of your way, they're a great place to start.

I spent most of my teen years depressed and anxious. My dad refused to let me get me any psychiatric help so all I could do was suffer. One day I had a massive freak out and my mom took me to the doctor against my dad's wishes. She told me later she feared I was so freaked out I might end up having a heart attack. That's when I started getting treatment for it.

Anxiety disorders are a serious thing. If it's bad enough medication is the only route you can take. "Thinking Happy Thoughts" just doesn't work. If this is starting to impact your life the way you say it is then you probably need to see a doctor. Sometimes things like this won't go away on their own. I know. I went through about ten years of misery because I couldn't get help.

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I completely understand what you're experiencing. I became such a wreck because of my anxiety that I stopped eating, sleeping, showering, and other necessary hygiene routines. In fact, it's one of the major reasons I had to withdraw from college.

Because of my anxiety, I dealt with self mutilation and suicide issues, and had to be taken to a rehab facility. I was always worried about the people I loved dying, especially my parents, and so I didn't want to learn to drive, or do any other activities I associated with being "old".

The best thing I would recommend is trying to talk to a counselor/therapist/psychiatrist. Chances are, because you're worrying constantly, you have an anxiety disorder, which therapy can help you cope with. If that doesn't help you, THEN see if medications will help. You want to try and use meds as a last resort, because it's very hard to get off of the meds without having whiplash effects. Like someone stated before, a school guidance counselor is a good idea, or at least an adult you trust. Therapy+ Meds= an excellent combo.

But please know that you're not alone. And that there will always be someone willing to help, or at least to listen.

The best thing I would recommend is trying to talk to a counselor/therapist/psychiatrist. Chances are, because you're worrying constantly, you have an anxiety disorder, which therapy can help you cope with. If that doesn't help you, THEN see if medications will help. You want to try and use meds as a last resort, because it's very hard to get off of the meds without having whiplash effects.

Don't dismiss it.

Drugs are not the best/only solution and it is very easy to become dependent on them very quickly and really the most effective ones just calm you down - they don't really "cure" whatever it is that is causing the anxiety - so that's what you need to try to sort out first.

Yes it is horrible isn't it. I was having those last year for a bit. My doctor prescribed medicine and it didn't help once so ever. Taking the medicine Made the problem worse I went to child therapy and I overcame it myself. I'm a much better person now. Medicine just inst the way to go ( From my perspective ).

Hi Try Honesty,

Thanks for being so brave and open about seeking help with your worrying and anxiety. Dealing with that alone can be very difficult and confusing; admitting and stating your truth about your experience can be just as painful and tormenting.

Let me assure you, you are not alone in experiencing anxiety and worrying. There are many people your age, young and older who experience anxiety and worrying on a day to day basis. Some people experience it occasionally when a certain situation presents itself, others experience it for days or even weeks at a time. It's certainly not fun sitting in a constant state of panic and disorder which can lead to more panic just by thinking about it!

But you are safe and completely normal. Your life, with a little help from professionals, will change for the better. You will learn to take your anxiety to turn it in to powerful tool to become more brave and confident. There are many books, professionals, natural remedies and online tools that can help you overcome anxiety before looking in to prescribed medication. Not to say that prescribed meds aren't needed - levels of anxiety differ greatly from person to person.

I have dealt with anxiety for most of my life. After experiencing some very scary and emotional situations recently, I sought out help from a few doctors including psychiatrists and GP's. Because my anxiety was almost crippling and the natural remedies didn't seem to work very well, I opted for prescribed medication to see how it would help me. While I wasn't entirely keen on taking medication, it helped me cope through the times that were most trying. Like I said earlier, this was just my experience and it will differ from others. The medication I was prescribed was to be used only in a situation of a panic attack, not on a regular basis. I keep the medication close, but have not used it since January.

It's important to know that just because a doctor hands you a prescription or a doctor tells you that you should take "this or that" medication doesn't mean you HAVE TO. What's most important is to educate yourself on what treatment would be best for you. My partner found an amazing e-book and online forum program that has changed my life (I will PM you the details). You are the only one who can find a solution and end your anxiety for good. Rest assured - many people share your experience and that is why I recommend looking into an all natural, drug free treatment first.

Anxiety is not a sickness or a disease, it is something that can be cured. A quote I find helpful when I need a little uplifting:

"At this very moment it may feel like you're in a dark and anxious place, but know that where anxiety is concerned, it's always darkest before the dawn."

Here's to your brightest future!

Hi there,

I also would like you to know - you are not alone. I have suffered from anxiety and depression for years (started when I was a teenager.) My mother tried to force me to get help back when it wasn't ruling my life - which made me feel worse about it.

I think you stepping up and asking for help is terrific! If your mother will not listen talk to someone you know who will. As others have said, talk to a guidance counselor at your school, maybe get a friend or a trusted adult to go with you to them to talk about it. Perhaps if someone else steps in and talks to your mother she will listen.

I agree that xanex is helpful - but it DOES NOT eliminate the issue. This would be something you would have to consult a doctor on before usage. Drugs are there to help ease symptoms, not stop them all together. Drugs help you to get at least some ground on feeling "normal" again so you can talk about the things that are bothering you. Talking with a therapist of counselor is really good - you may have to go through a few to find one you most feel confident speaking with (personally I have issues with talking to women - specially older, so I tend to speak with men more frankly)

Also there could be other issues with you that maybe causing this problem for you. I had never taken birth control in my life. I started to take a certain type (the rest of my body, not just my mind had some issues...) and it actually started to help me feel somewhat normal mood wise as well. Hormones are such a pain in the butt to cause so many issues. So really it would be something you would need to talk to a doctor with about.

Don't give up! I know each day is a struggle - but don't give up! Find someone who will help - someone will listen to you - I know they will and things will get better. I promise. When you finally get help you will be able to live again. I will be here if you need someone to talk to. Please keep us posted!

all the best,


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