I lost a friend...


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December 2007 Contest Winner
Sep 5, 2005
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I lost a friend of mine recently.

About a year ago, we had this deer who always traveled alone. She came really close to us, almost like 3 feet away. We fed her corn and she always came to us. It was nice having a friend like this.

She's been coming and coming for the past year, and we really enjoyed having her as company. Whenever I came home, I'd always see her and she'd look at me curiously with her big beautiful eyes.

Last Monday, we got a letter in the mail. It said that a deer wandered into someone's backyard. The people that lived there called the Game Comission, and then the people came and said that she was "dangerous" and they shot her. All she was doing was taking a walk around the neighborhood and someone had to shoot her.

I find this so cruel. :) The poor animal didn't deserve that.

Any thoughts on this?

I think that was, although you probably don't want to hear it, partially caused by you feeding the deer.

Animals that loose their fear of people are more likely to be shot, because they don't run away. If they approach a person looking for food, that person might think the animal is attacking them.

Like "don't feed the birds" signs that are everywhere.

OMG, this animal cruelty has gawt to stop. Animals have the right to live, too! Couldn't they just cure the poor thing?

When we first starting feeding the deer, she looked so hungry, almost starved. She came close to us, so we decided to help her and feed her. It seemed like she was already used to people, though.

We knew it was her every time because she had white around her ears, and she always came really close to our dog and just looked at him while he barked at her. All the other deer ran away if he barked at them.

:ichigotchi: Thats terrible. How could anyone do such a thing? Its a deer. Its not like its some giant man-eating deer.

The deer deserved to live...

OMG, this animal cruelty has gawt to stop. Animals have the right to live, too! Couldn't they just cure the poor thing?
That's not animal cruelty. Animal cruelty would be if they put her on a table and stabbed her with sticks.

I have to say, there is a reason, as Pyon pointed out, in the whole leave the wild be deal. Sometimes it happens but you just have to learn from it and keep your distance more so. But don't feel responsible. It could have done that by itself anyway. Maybe it was scared and wouldn't get out and was kicking and rampaging their backyard. You just don't know so remember her, but don't blame yourself.

if the animal was only looking for food i hardly see how it posed a threat.

to me it's like going to macdonalds then getting shot just because you wanted a burger


Ugh that's awful! I mean it's an innocent deer we're talking about! Like if a human murderer walked into a garden and got caught are they shot? No! They're taken to court, ok they go to prison but they don't kill them! And that poor deer who didn't do anything gets killed! I mean they could have just taken it back to the forest or something.

Maybe you shouldn't have fed it though, it's not you're fault but try not to interfear with nature again unless you know what you're doing.

:ichigotchi: Thats terrible. How could anyone do such a thing? Its a deer. Its not like its some giant man-eating deer.The deer deserved to live...
Exactly. That poor deer didn't do ANYTHING to those people. They just had to shoot her because she's a wild animal. That's not right. It's not like like she's Bigfoot or anything.


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Okay I thought deer could find their own food if they are wild and they get frightened if a human gets that close to them.

I think that was, although you probably don't want to hear it, partially caused by you feeding the deer. Animals that loose their fear of people are more likely to be shot, because they don't run away. If they approach a person looking for food, that person might think the animal is attacking them.

Like "don't feed the birds" signs that are everywhere.
Warning! Strongly stated opinions as follows:

What makes you think that just because she fed the deer it was all about her?

Animals that loose their fear of people are more likely to be shot, because they don't run away.
Well; maybe if we didn't think that everytime an animal came within four feet of our property we have to shoot them to the ground until they give up and die, maybe then we would be a better comunity and there wouldn't have been a World War II?


Warning! Strongly stated opinions as follows:
What makes you think that just because she fed the deer it was all about her?

Well; maybe if we didn't think that everytime an animal came within four feet of our property we have to shoot them to the ground until they give up and die, maybe then we would be a better comunity and there wouldn't have been a World War II?

That's what I thought.

She seemed already tamed, like she was fed by humans every day. She could come up to us and eat out of our hands if she wanted to, but we didn't take the risk.

I just don't understand why they had to shoot her. We have so many deer around here, and it's not every day you get to see one come close and not be scared. She just wanted a friend.

My parents are very upset about this, too.

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tenniswinner, it's NOT your fault..

It's just a bad thing that had to just happen in this world *cry* :)

The person should not of shot the deer, I understand you feeding it, don't listen to ppl who tell you "YOU were feeding it, so it caused the deer to die.."

I'm sorry for your friend :D

I agree with Pyonchit, but I don't agree with how these people handled it.

Feeding wild animals can domesticate them. Make them depend on humans. It takes away from their wild instincts, which they need.

It's a possibility that people before you fed her, so don't blame yourself.

I think the people that shot her could of at least tranquilized her, taken her into captivity and then released her back into the wild. Shooting her seems kind of extreme.

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