I lost it...


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Nov 6, 2006
Reaction score
My little world
Something bad happened today. I lost my Tama! Yeah, it even got it's baby today. I don't know where it could be! (I lost it at school.) What should I do?

;) Kawaiinekotama

[SIZE=14pt]Well there really isnt anything really to do to get it back. (Unless someone nice enough would return it to you!)[/SIZE]

But there are things that you can do to prevent theese kinds of things from happening!

1: Dont bring it to school! You could just leave it at home on pause!

2: Make a special bag or carrying case to place your Tama in so you always know that it is safe!

There are also many other things you can do as well!

So I hope that your Tama will be alright in the Future!


Good luck!


I have never lost mine but i know some resons what u could do

1. Alaways put it in your pocket

2.Go to the lost and found 2 see if anyone has returned it

thats all i can think of i have taken mine 2 skl since p4 and now am in p6 p4-v1 p5-v2 p6-v3 and once i thought i lost it its scary i know how it feels. :D :D ;)

If your school doesn't have a lost and found your best bet to getting it back would be to tell the principal of the school that it is lost. He/she will probably announce over the P/A system that it is lost and that if anybody finds a so and so designed so and so please bring it to the main office or something like that. I really hope you find it.

With Everything Crossed,


:lol: :) :( :( :lol: :)

Well, I still couldn't find it. I looked around, but no one saw it. Oh, when I asked the lady for a yellow tama with pink dots (if she found it), all she said that there was an orange tama with pink dots. I asked her if I could see it, but she said no. They won't even put it on the announcements! If I tell my mom, she will be VERY angry. What should I do?

:furawatchi: Kawaiinekochi

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