i miss him


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Feb 21, 2006
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i went out with this guy... lets call him J. ok, i went out with J like at least 10 times. he broke up with me over stupid stuff and i always just went back out with him. its been almost like 4 months that we haven't been together but i still miss J a lot. i am close to tears about him. he was so sweet and he was like the best thing that ever happened to me but all my friends hate him and everything. i talked to him and he really wants me to get over him. hes being mean to me to try to help but if he would just be friends with me then i wouldn't have this much trouble getting over him. school starts next week so should i talk to him there? or should i text him? or attempt to forget about him? any suggestions???? he hates me

Ahhh~ Breakups are always so sad :eek: . While your friends are obviously very important, their opinion on J should not matter-especially if they don't approve. You are the only one who has ever been out with him-you are the only one who knows and loves him for what he truly is. But if he was so sweet as you claim him to be, then think about it-is he really worth going after? Even if you did hook up with him again, do you think that he'll possibly break up with you over "stupid stuff" again? If J is giving you the cold shoulder then I would forget about him as soon as possible. He hates you? Then what are you waiting for? Nobody let alone you should deserve to be treated this way. If he was really worth going after he should've tried to tell you to get over him politely and at least make an attempt to talk to you face-to-face. My advice would be to wait 'till school starts and give him the good ol' "Can I talk to you in private?" and tell him straight out-"Listen, I understand that you want me to get over you but if you want to be friends that's completely fine with me. I'll forget about you if you want but I won't be mad if you want to be friends."

I don't think texting him would be such a good idea, you need to face him directly and it won't give him as much time to think about what to say as opposed to texting. There is also a better chance that he'll be more honest with you face-to-face. Even if he refuses, don't be upset! You'll definitely find someone just for you- let me remind you that there are plenty of fish in the sea. Its only a matter of who it is and how he behaves around you.

He was so sweet, yet he broke up with you over stupid things? Pretty contradictory, dontcha think?

He's obviously not worth it if you always break up other something dumb.

he mainly broke up with me cuz stupid people (life-ruiners) tell him and me stuff about eachother thats not true but we think it is and i dunno.

^ If you know they're "life-ruiners", then why believe..?

Okay, that sounded a weency bit harsh, but come on now. You're way better then some jerk, who is probably only using you when he wants to show off to his mates that he can have girlfriend any time he wants. DON'T LET HIM DO THAT TO YOU.

I didn't really understand what you meant in your first post, with the whole I'll-be-mean-so-you-can-get-over-me, yet he hates you? Surely, if he is being mean so you can get over him, then he's trying to help you? Since I last checked, people who hate other people don't help them.

Hmm. My post isn't very clear...

But I would go with the first bit if you want help on getting over him. :]

Also, Better in Time by Leona Lewis is really good to listen to. The lyrics will, I'm sure and I hope, help you out. They did for me. :]

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