I need a question answered!


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Jan 28, 2007
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ok you guys i need help well not really help but anyways both of my tamgotchis had a liitle snowman in the background and it was snowing and lookedlike it was night does anybdy know!? because i asked my friend and she did not even know what it was !!!!! so reply to this message if you know !!!!!!!!!

It is just a little animation on your tamagotchi. :)

It's nothing to worry about, it's just like your tamagotchi brushing its teeth or taking a bath. :D

Thats because it was around Christmas time. :D

That happened to mine too. :)

And on Thanksgiving your tama will be chased by a turkey!

Besides getting this moved to 'What Happened To My Tamagotchi?!", Yeah it's just some seasonal pleasure.

Also I remember Santaclautchi (Tamagotchi version of Santa) going in your tamagotchi's house and giving your tamagotchi a present when it wakes up on Christmas Eve.

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