I need help deciding which Tama to buy!


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Apr 1, 2011
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Hi! First off, I'd like to say hello, as I'm a new member :3

Secondly, I'd like to say I've been a Tama fan since 1997, but haven't really had the means to start collecting until recently. My current pride & joy is my 4.5 in this design:


She is currently an UraYoungVioletchi, and I'm trying to get her to evolve into a UraVioletchi, but we shall see how that goes, lol. I have been kind of lax in caring for her. Anyways, I just picked up two new tamas today, because I got my tax refund check, and I ended up purchasing these:


So, I have a 4.5 and two 3's... but what to I get now? I really REALLY want this:


the only issue is I've hear some folks don't like the v5's? Why is that? I really love the shell of that one and would adore to have it, but I'm not sure... Opinions?

If you could buy a tama right now, what would you recommend? (No rares, I don't have THAT much money... -___-)

I'd reccomend a Tamago, if you're running 3 other Tamas. It's simple, yet great to run with other Tamas, and the figures have an added boost.

If you're not into that, I'd reccomend a V4. Favorite version ever, second being the Tamago.

I stopped my (friend's) V5/.5 because the games got boring very quickly, and the 5.5 didn't have great characters. It was also kind of hard to catch bondage times.

Good luck with your decision! (maybe you should start a log...)




I think the V5 would be a disappointment, and so would the Tama-Go. If you like taking care of a V4.5, a V4 is best for your next Tama. If you want a challenge getting certain characters, try a V6.

The newest and best Tama is the iD L, and although you'd be spending a lot, it's great value!

Anyway, appreciate your luck, you have choice! You can barely say that about me.

I just received my v5. I like it so far. The games aren't as easy as the v4.5 and you don't get as much money, but I think it's adorable. I'd even consider getting the v5.5.

I'm in the same boat as you. I just got back into v-pets and started shopping around for something different.

the v5 is a little boring compared to some of the others. The music star is nice, the games are pretty fun and it has really nice designs. Only problem is it has issues with the buttons responding poorly.

The v5 isn't bad, I think the v6 is the worst, but the v5 is pretty easy to take care of and you get three cute characters!

The v5 isn't really as bad as people say,it's just a little dull compared to some of the other models.It's really cute since the theme is families.My only problem with it is if it's out of batteries,it starts to reset itself.If you want something else that's easy and fun to take care of,I'd recommend the v6 or Tama-go since they have both new and old characters.I also recommend them for the ability to go onto Music City,the all new revamped tama town that allows you to log in as your current character,get an apartment,chat,play games and more.

I think you should get a TMGO because they are fun to play with and quite easy to take care of. But if you like the needy tamas, get a music star! They rule and I'm getting one soon too! But anyway yeah i reccommend da TMGO! Plus like Violetchiluvr3 said the fact that there are figures included makes this version all the more fun!!!!

xD Sakura-san123

Personally, I'd recommend the earlier versions, such as the V1 and V2. I like getting as close to the original days of the Tamagotchi as possible, and with these versions, you won't really have to spend a lot of money for a '97 version. I wasn't very impressed with the V5 and the TMGO, neither appealed very well to me. But then again, that's just my opinion. :3 The V1's and V2's are relatively easy to find on eBay, but that's about the only sure fire place you'll find them. Sometimes you'll come across a group of used ones for fairly cheap as well.

Good luck on adding to your collection! :)

Hello! Welcome to TT :)

I have a 4.5 in that design too. I also have that v5 design that you want. Its really cool. I think the reason people don't like the v5 is because the items are crap, first of all, and also that you ALWAYS get exactly the same characters! It gets quite annoying, but it is still a good version, and i TOTALLY suggest buying one. I wouldn't get the music star, ir the tamago though (THEY SUCK!!! :D )

Oh, and if you really want that v5, this is a pretty good deal https://cgi.ebay.com/TAMAGOTCHI-CONNECTION-2004-BANDAI-/170650272231?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item27bb8c81e7

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Well, the v5 is pretty fun. I have the same design actually! :lol: But I would recommend getting the v5 celebrity. They give more points when you play games and the character playing the games rotates every time. So you don't have to play with just one character

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