i need help,for my new webshow


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Mar 21, 2009
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[SIZE=14pt]hey, i need some help, what do you think would be cool for a new webshow, if anything, please help me out. i need to know what you guys think is cool, funny and so on............. :p ;) :p :rolleyes: i at least want some people to like it. if you want pm me!!!! oh yea, and i need help with the name of it too, so if you can help me out with that too, thx alot, really!!!![/SIZE]

hmmm.. I think a mini fashion show would be really cool! Or maybe having guests, deends on whether they're fun, good to watch, humorous, etc..

maybe you could do a mix of things, too.

You could do one with your freinds, doing silly stuff. I also think that animals are a good idea. I'd love to see little fluffy kittens/tortoises/leopard geckos!

Okay. I don't agree with some of the posts. I wouldn't do it like iCarly if I were you. From what I've witnessed on iCarly all they do is stupid unfunny and pointless things. Besides what's so fun about biting off iCarly? >:l

Why don't you guys do parodies of things. xP

Rants... create your own storyline? Hmm..

And well I have no idea what you should call it. x3

*Locky458 chops off some sentences*
The thing about rants it's not always such a good idea... You're always going to have up to 3 sides.. Which isn't always good because ranting causes a rampage.. You have to be, like, really good at ranting on a certain topic. If you're saying making rants on school or people is one thing (it can be bad), but making rants on media or games/cartoons isn't always a great idea.. People tend to get a little out of hand in those situations.. o-o If you are a good ranter it will give you a lot of fame.. but.. I wouldn't recommend making rants...

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Ideas for a webshow? I say do some silly and crazy stuff, like Carly and Sam from iCarly do. It's really funny.

But you don't have to do anything like iCarly. You could do stuff for fun, dressing up like a character from a movie or a famous person, mocking songs by twisting the words or making your own lyrics, other crazy but yet fun things just like that.

Have some guests...

Do you have an famous people in your family? Or maybe some famous friends? Bring them along! Do little interview type thing. Keep people entertained!

I don't have very many good ideas, sorreh.

Okay. I don't agree with some of the posts. I wouldn't do it like iCarly if I were you. From what I've witnessed on iCarly all they do is stupid unfunny and pointless things. Besides what's so fun about biting off iCarly? >:l
Why don't you guys do parodies of things. xP

Rants... create your own storyline? Hmm..

And well I have no idea what you should call it. x3
I agree with Zuzi, if you make it like iCarly, I'm sure you won't get as many views because people will say "oh that's probably just some cheap rip-off of iCarly, don't even look at it." I agree, why not work with parodies? Those are highly entertaining and you can get a lot of views if they are good enough ;)


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