I need help with my pleather gloves please~


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Well-known member
Apr 3, 2011
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okie dokie. I need some advice about a very specific situation.

I recently started getting into naruto again. Last time i liked it i was in 9th grade. I had some pleather kakashi gloves.

6 years later i dig these gloves out. They were basically brand new however the pleather which is over top of fabric is dry rotted or something.

It's sort of just flaking off bit by bit but in really tiny flakes and they're making a mess everywhere.

I spent some time trying to rub it off because the black fabric under the pleather doesn't look bad and i could totally live with fabric gloves.

Question, can i wash them as a quicker alternative to rubbing to get off the pleather? I am 20 and i know not much about washing machines. I live with my boyfriend and his parents and i don't want to ruin their washing machine with pleather pieces. So basically will washing help get the pleather off? And can i safely wash them without messing up the machine? if no to either of these any ideas of what i can do. I'd like to wear these but right now they look awful with the cracking pleather and they're making a mess.

I know this is a weird thing to ask but i couldn't find any information on google about this sort of thing and this is the only forum i'm on. thanks for any help!

It depends what kind of pleather the gloves are made of (polyurethane / PVC, etc.)

However, most of them will take washing - although PVC gets pretty stiff - so it might ruin the gloves.

Because they are a small item I would recommend that you wash them gently by hand in a basin or bucket. Use a very mild detergent or soap and just gently agitate them but don't leave them to soak. Rinse and repeat. That may be enough to get rid of all the flaking pieces.

I would not use the washing machine for a pair of gloves ;)

It depends what kind of pleather the gloves are made of (polyurethane / PVC, etc.)

However, most of them will take washing - although PVC gets pretty stiff - so it might ruin the gloves.

Because they are a small item I would recommend that you wash them gently by hand in a basin or bucket. Use a very mild detergent or soap and just gently agitate them but don't leave them to soak. Rinse and repeat. That may be enough to get rid of all the flaking pieces.

I would not use the washing machine for a pair of gloves ;)
okay thanks! That makes sense. I wasn't really thinking it through, it'd be silly to put gloves in a washing machine.

Thanks for your help! :)

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