I need help


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Well-known member
May 3, 2007
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Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
I need advice. Please! My bestfriends is a boy that everyone teases behind his back. No one wants to be his friend and I'm his only one. I turned out that I had a crush on him, but I didn't want to say anything because then everyone would tease me that I like him. One day after school, he told me he likes me. I finally conffesed. We promised to keep it a secret. Then, one day he told the most annoying girl and the perfect rumor spreader in grade 6 that we have a crush on each other. Then, she went an told her friend who told her other friend, and so on until everyone in grade 6 found out! So much for keeping it a secret. What should I do?



(0.1% chance this will be let through) You are in 6th grade .Wait a few years till dating. Focus on having fun, hangout out with friends, and doing well in school.

If you like him, it doesn't matter who knows at least the feeling is mutural [sp?] you should be happy about that. If people call you for it they are obviously not very nice people, so you should ignore them. Anyway who cares what anyone else thinks/says it's about how you feel not them.

(0.1% chance this will be let through) You are in 6th grade .Wait a few years till dating. Focus on having fun, hangout out with friends, and doing well in school.
I'm ignoring you.


Thanx for the advice baybee-x and Zima_Tama_freak. I'll try ignoing them. I guess it's only getting to me because I feel sorry that everyone is teasing him and no one wants to be his friend.



(0.1% chance this will be let through) You are in 6th grade .Wait a few years till dating. Focus on having fun, hangout out with friends, and doing well in school.
Much agreement. I'll never understand why kids feel the need to try to grow up so fast.

Wait until you're in highschool or past to date.

I made this topic for advice. If you are going to tell me not to fall in love then please do not post. 

You asked 'What should I do?' I told you what I think you should do. If you're not open to both types of answers, don't ask for advice.

I agree with PoisonedV and Sweet Kandi. Wait until you can drive to date.

Anyway, If you really want to go out with him then it shouldn't matter what other people think.

You asked 'What should I do?' I told you what I think you should do. If you're not open to both types of answers, don't ask for advice.
I'm still asking for advice. I just don't want to stop dating. Sorry. Give that advice if you want. I guess i'm just tired of everyone telling me to stop dating.



(0.1% chance this will be let through) You are in 6th grade .Wait a few years till dating. Focus on having fun, hangout out with friends, and doing well in school.
I still am foucsed on all that stuff. Dating doesn't revolve around my whole life.



(0.1% chance this will be let through) You are in 6th grade .Wait a few years till dating. Focus on having fun, hangout out with friends, and doing well in school.
PoisonedV is right. You are far to young to date. Focous on school right now. Enjoy being a kid. Date when your in highschool and older.

Ew never ever date. Boys are gross, not even to be childish ... think how gross your dad is (farts and burps icky) and on top of that if you date young and eventually fall in love young you'll be stuck without doing the cool clubing thing in your twenies! Im 23 and Im currently stuck ha ... Im getting married in a year and will never know what its like to 'sleep around' or to live by myself .....

I was always the kid who hung with the boys and always thought of them as my bros ....when that changes everything goes down hill

Ew never ever date. Boys are gross, not even to be childish ... think how gross your dad is (farts and burps icky) and on top of that if you date young and eventually fall in love young you'll be stuck without doing the cool clubing thing in your twenies! Im 23 and Im currently stuck ha ... Im getting married in a year and will never know what its like to 'sleep around' or to live by myself .....
I was always the kid who hung with the boys and always thought of them as my bros ....when that changes everything goes down hill
I'm 10 and I'm that kid.

I think most girls can agree that guys are gross in some ways (Sorry guys!) But that doesn't mean you can't be friends with them.

Ew never ever date. Boys are gross, not even to be childish ... think how gross your dad is (farts and burps icky) and on top of that if you date young and eventually fall in love young you'll be stuck without doing the cool clubing thing in your twenies! Im 23 and Im currently stuck ha ... Im getting married in a year and will never know what its like to 'sleep around' or to live by myself .....
I was always the kid who hung with the boys and always thought of them as my bros ....when that changes everything goes down hill
Having a boyfriend doesn't stop you going out or doing your own thing. It depends on who you are some people are boyfriend/girlfriend and still go clubbing & various other things.

And I'm happy not 'sleeping around', I've been with my boyfriend 2 years and never even thought about 'sleeping around'.

You asked 'What should I do?' I told you what I think you should do. If you're not open to both types of answers, don't ask for advice.
Seconded. I will add that this isn't love. Love is earned overtime with trust, communication and friendship to start. You got the right things to get you started, but just because you are his girlfriend, doesn't mean you're in love yet. Consider it puppy love.

And waiting until your older increases your chances of figuring out what love IS.

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