I Need Help


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Well-known member
May 5, 2007
Reaction score
Over the Rainbow
I need help.

At school I'm afraid to show people who I really am. I think they won't like me. I can't take it any longer, I can't hold it back any more. But I'm afraid people won't like me.

Also some of my 'freinds' are being mean to me. They talk about me behind my back, call me names, and ditch me.

What should I do?

If you're afraid to show your true colors and be who you really are, and people don't like it, it's fine. They're not worth your time, attention, and worry. I know it sounds so easy, and when you get down to it it's actually really hard to face, but you'll have to do it sometime or another. :)

If your friends are calling you names, talking behind your back, and ditching you.... Get new friends that appreciate and recognize how you feel, friends who you can trust. You've probably heard this before, but if they're being like that, they're not friends. ;)

Who really cares if you show your real self? Being fake ruins your life.

Your real friends will stick by you.

Go for it.

Anybody that talks bad about you, do this. Get BAD info on them. And tell them to knock it off or you will reveal ALL their dirty little secrets.

Ahhhh, blackmail... It always works like a charm.

Sorry, but I don't think revenge and blackmailing will solve her problem, and probably just make it much worse.. ;)

Being someone you're not messes things up, bad. You should just be yourself. In the end, it should all turn out good, and you will find someone who likes you for the real you. <_<

I need help.  

At school I'm afraid to show people who I really am. I think they won't like me. I can't take it any longer, I can't hold it back any more. But I'm afraid people won't like me.


Also some of my 'freinds' are being mean to me. They talk about me behind my back, call me names, and ditch me.


What should I do?
Think off how you act and then how you really WANT to act.

Is it really that different???

You can change your self, it will be okay and

maybe even get you a new set of friends

that like what YOU like.













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It looks like either way- you being you, or you being something your not- these kids are not your friends.

Just be yourself- it may be hard at first but if these people can't accept you for you they aren't worth any of your time.

Turst me, being you will get more good friends and maybe get rid the bad ones. ;]

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It looks like either way- you being you, or you being something your not- these kids are not your friends. Just be yourself- it may be hard at first but if these people can accept you for you they aren't worth any of your time.

Turst me, being you will get more good friends and maybe get rid the bad ones. ;]
You do mean can't, right? :0

Just saying so you don't mislead anyone ;D

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