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I Can Has Tamagotchi?

Well-known member
Mar 23, 2008
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There is this boy I like/think is cute in my class. Our last day of school is tomorrow, and I want to tell him that I like him/think he is cute. This is my first crush and I am very nervous. What should I tell him!

Are you friends with him, or do you just think he's cute?

I recommend knowing his personality before asking him out or telling him you like him, he could be a total butthead.

But, if you don't want to lol, go ahead, I guess, if you think you really like him :)

if you have his cell #, just talk to him for a while, and when you feel comfortable, tell him how you feel and it should work. trust me! ( i did this and it worked)

Maybe write it in a note if you're too nervous. That's way less embarassing than saying it out loud.

You could do what I did, get one of your friends or somebody to tell him.

Talk to him (small talk) and offer a simple place to hang out at. Movies, lunch at a fast food restaurant, something simple and not obvious. Love takes time to grow.

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