I need help!


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pm me, and i'll help you

but plz dont make topics like this! :)

Please do not post three times if no one has replied to your topic yet. Admin would love to show you around. If you don't want to spend the time "Messaging" Admin, then you can use the Site Map at the top of your username. Then you can scroll down to look. I suggust you read all the pinned topics before posting. Anyways, welcome to Tamatalk!

Can some one help me? I m kinda new and still dont get all about Tama Talk!

hey bud

so you need help huh!

well i not much an expert at explaining things so ask admin or scroll down and search up about tamatalk or stuff like that

Hi there

The fastest way to get up to speed on TamaTalk is to click your way around the site using the forum links.

Spend some time reading topics in each of the forums to get a feel for what goes on at this site (the topics pinned in bold at the top of each forum are also useful)

If you have questions about your tama - there's Help for New Tama Owners... if you want to find out information that you can't see in the Help sections, then try browsing Tips & Tricks - there's lots of info there - or you can use the Search function to type in key words...

Lots of members will be happy to help you if you send them a PM - some of them even include the offer to help in their signature mssg.

Above all, don't expect to know and understand everything all at once - it takes a bit of time :D

We were all new members of TamaTalk once and we didn't get it all either!

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