I need some help


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Nov 1, 2008
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Latley, some kids have been slaming me into the lockers at school, and trying to knock me down to the ground. They've been doing that for almost a month. Today, I thought maybe I cpould make some Brass knuckles, and take them to school. I was wondering if, maybe by a stroke of good luck, one of you MIGHT know how to make some. I have been wearing gloves lately, so the knuckles have to be discreet. Tell me how much brass is needed, and how to make them if you know how.

Dude, if you punch back, they'll gang up on you. You'll be slaughtered. You need to avoid the kids as much as possible. If you stay and fight, you'll lose, so you need to run. Trust me, I have experience with this type of thing xDDD

Violence isn't the answer.

Just avoid these people, if they keep hurting you, tell the principal, or nearby teacher.

And for brass knuckles.. You need brass. [Where do you purchase brass? O_O] [SIZE=7pt]-Protects Big Baby Tubby and Scott- [/SIZE]

Latley, some kids have been slaming me into the lockers at school, and trying to knock me down to the ground. They've been doing that for almost a month. Today, I thought maybe I cpould make some Brass knuckles, and take them to school. I was wondering if, maybe by a stroke of good luck, one of you MIGHT know how to make some. I have been wearing gloves lately, so the knuckles have to be discreet. Tell me how much brass is needed, and how to make them if you know how.
Hahaha yew must be a nerd. wow just waddle with yer little feet and run from them. dont fight them or they will beat yew into a coma for tryin.

Latley, some kids have been slaming me into the lockers at school, and trying to knock me down to the ground. They've been doing that for almost a month. Today, I thought maybe I cpould make some Brass knuckles, and take them to school. I was wondering if, maybe by a stroke of good luck, one of you MIGHT know how to make some. I have been wearing gloves lately, so the knuckles have to be discreet. Tell me how much brass is needed, and how to make them if you know how.
They want you to fight back. Actually fighting them is giving them what they want, so they will probably just end up harrassing you more. :(

Avoid the kids, and if the problem pursists, tell somebody. It doesn't make you weak or a nerd for asking for help when you need it. Talk to some friends about the problem, and then maybe see a trusted adult.

Brass knuckles? Hm, sorry, I'm not sure.

If you tend to ignore people's advice, I'd Google it.

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Don't punch them what ever you do. Espch with brass.

I did karate for 5 years and womans self defence for a year [complete course] passing with excellence and the number one thing they tell you its defence ot attack so don't intend to injure them.

Learn some simple defence and blocking skills [lifting arm to block them] and ways to get past them. Like grab their arm and twist it away with a gentle but effective push. Show them you can dominate them and that you aren't a easy target.

Hurting them back makes you just as bad as them and they will only get angrier with you.

if you are very serious about defence ask you mum or dad to enrol you in self defence classes. They will help you in the long run and prepare you for worse situations. Seriously, I can take down a grown man.

Lol I do karate it kills ma legs though.

Anyway what is a brass fist? And you should just tell somebody... If it wont stop a boy in my school tryed fighting back with his bullys and he was put in a coma for 5 days and had to relearn some stuff so its not a good idea. Like I said before tell your mum, dad, teacher, head teacher.

Latley, some kids have been slaming me into the lockers at school, and trying to knock me down to the ground. They've been doing that for almost a month. Today, I thought maybe I cpould make some Brass knuckles, and take them to school. I was wondering if, maybe by a stroke of good luck, one of you MIGHT know how to make some. I have been wearing gloves lately, so the knuckles have to be discreet. Tell me how much brass is needed, and how to make them if you know how.
If you are being bullied at school, I am sure that you are old enough to already know this:

You should talk with your parents / teachers / school counsellor and get them to help you find a way to stop the problem.

Don't make topics on this site asking your fellow members how to make a weapon to use on other kids :)

Please think more carefully about how appropriate the subject is before you start any more new threads on TamaTalk?


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