I only play da jump game..wil this affect my tama?


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Jan 26, 2005
Reaction score
I have herd some rumours that which games can affect the type of character you get :( ...So if i only play the jump game and never the dance game will this affect my tama? if so...HOW?

I could try it, by one of mine playing only the Dance game and the other The Jumping game, and I'll be sure to give you the results.

I rarely play the dance game and i have gotten each char. more that 2ice...so, i dont think it affects it.

It would seem with me that if I never play the Dance game I end up with a tarakotchi but it also depends on how you feed them as well and keeping the hearts up. No one single thing can influence the outcome entirely so I wouldn't be too worried.

I have herd some rumours that which games can affect the type of character you get :( ...So if i only play the jump game and never the dance game will this affect my tama? if so...HOW?
no. it won't affect your tama. i only play jump and i get mimitchi's sometimes! so no it doesn't affect your char


I am sick of these pointless posts: ???????????????????????????????????????????????? doesnt mean a thing!

I'm just the opposite.I stink at the jump game,so rather than having my poor tamagotchi trip and fall flat on his face because I

can't seem to tell him to jump at the right time,I play the dance game.At least if I screw up there the poor thing doesn't get hurt.

I have herd some rumours that which games can affect the type of character you get :(   ...So if i only play the jump game and never the dance game will this affect my tama? if so...HOW?
Everyone who replied pretty much agrees that playing just one game doesn't affect your

Tama's adult character. I've not tested this but I believe what they're saying!

Perhaps the rumours you heard are about the way the Dance game affects a Tama's Heart Needs

and the Jump game affects the Tama's Body Needs. These are Tamaplus Hidden Parameters.

If you're interested, visit this site https://www.peppersoup.net/tamasquare

It's a site with info from the official Bandai Tamaplus Site and the Bandai Tamaplus Raising Guide

(all translated from Japanese).

There's a page there on the Tamaplus Hidden Parameters.

(I don't know if the hidden parameters are in Tama Connex & Connects).

Best, etc.

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