I r o n i c Moments


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x.super.m o r m o n

Active member
Jan 14, 2010
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New York City, Africa, on planet PANDORA
1. The other day, my dog ate the "Feed Pet" magnet on the fridge.

2. I got an eMail that was about playing songs on iTunes and putting in the song name after a sentence. The next sentence was "Your dirtiest secret:" So I played iTunes (it was on shuffle) and the song was "Dirty little secret"!! 0.o

3. When I was little, my dad yelled out "Don't burn the house down!!" as he was leaving. Then 20 minutes after, the toaster caught on fire!!!

I can't think of any other. I post when I find some...

EDIT: Added another ironic moment!

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Me and my friend were talking in the car. I said "Hayley williams" then Paramore-Brick by boring brick came on the radio.

This next one is really ironic O:

I said "Dave grohl" (Lead singer of Foo fighters) then Wheels-Foo fighters came on the radio.When It finished I went into the hallway.My brother was listening to Wheels O.O

@Skittles-Ironic is when you think, say or do something to do with something/someone.Then something related to that happens.

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Me and Michelle were talking about malls the other day. She said she lives in-between two malls. The next thing I hear on the radio was ''and between two large malls..'' I felt like God. I shall never forget that moment. It was truly incredible. Mwahahah.

There's been more but I can't remember.

Or maybe I can but can't be bothered typing.

well one day, i saw a black cat and it walked right by me. next thing I know, my iPods broken

well me and my friend rachel were in my room and she lend on me and i fell off the chair...it did not hurt...but it was funny XD and one time for no reason she broke the handle off of my dresser XD

^That's funny, but not exactly ironic....

At my friend's house, she was on gaia playing the slot machine game, and i had just told her i was super lucky and to give me the mouse. she was in the middle of a spin and just as my hand touched the mouse, three in a row showed up on the screen. o_O

Ohh. Yesterday, I named my two fish on Happy Aquarium "Safavid Empire" and "Ottoman Empire" and when they gorw up, they're going to mate, and it's ironic because the empires hated each other. [/AP World History]

Mostly thinking about songs and having them show up on my iPod or the radio...that sort of thing.

In PE, we were playing indoor rounders, and my friend dropped the ball, and while she was picking it up and passing it to someone, the bowler (Nikki) shouted "Gawd you can't catch anything!" Then, the ball was passed to her, and she caught it.....then dropped it xD

Lol, well in class last year we were watching a film, and I wasn't really concentrating. I was thinking about what it meant if a boy I didn't know said "Its just you and me, together". And in the film, the man said, "its just you and me together" to his girlfriend.

And also, I was in a lesson, and it was nearly the end of the lesson, so I said randomly "5,4,3,2,1 and as soon as I said 1, the bell went for next lesson! lol, and I didn't even know the time!

And finally, me and my TT friend were playing "Guess the song" and my friend gave me "Hallelujah" to guess. Then I opened up the "Guess the Lyrics" game, and guess what song it said for my to guess. Hallelujah. XD.

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My brother and I were in the car and we were right near one of those don't crash your car billboards lol and a car had smashed into another one right in front of it Dx Epic fail.

Annnd Katie and I were waaalking as usual lmao and we were talking about our friend Kelsey's birthday and I pulled my phone out to check the time and I got a text from her asking if we could come over now : D Best night ever too I must admit.

at school last year, me and my m8s were talking and i said, "i wish the fire bell would go off" because i wanted to miss out on maths, and then a second later, the fire bell went off!

Ironic or what?


This happened like, right now lmao.

Well uh, I was bouncing my bouncy ball againgst the wall and then catching it. I had a random thought 'What if I miss and it lands on my laptop?! o:' and then guess what happened? I MISSED AND IT LANDED ON MY LAPTOP. It was sad. My laptop's okay now though. :)

Abuse & misuse of the word ironic is rather saddening. ):

For a real "ironic moment" I almost got ran over by an ambulance once.

Me and a freind were in his car and we were making up this funny club so I said:"you have to be a ninja." and the radio was on and the singer said:"you don't have to be a ninja." the I said:"yes you do." and it said."no you don't." me and my freind burst out laughing till tears came out.

Speaking of that freind I'm gonna see him later today.

This happened yesterday.

My phone was dead, and my mom was not at the school to pick me up, so I had to borrow my friend's phone. She said, "Maybe they are together having luck or something," not really expecting it to be true. When my mom answered the phone, she said, "Hi Sydney, I'm with Mrs.[insertfriend'slastnamehere] at lunch. After the conversation, I told my friend what had happened, and we were both all o_O.

Sorry if I didn't describe that very well. :)

Oh yeah, this is the most ironicest of all, but one christmas, my mum and my dad bought each other a Sugababes CD. LOL.

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