I really need money


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September 2008 Contest Winner
Nov 5, 2005
Reaction score
Jacksonville Florida
I really need to make money, I have been working my butt of around the house which is rare because Im really lazy. My brother works and does Yard Work (My butt!) And made 20 bucks! I dont make a single PENNY working inside. When I tried to do yard work I go NOTHING.

I tried the "Not do any work to see how its like without it" thing, my butt! It didn't work! >< All I get is a Ipod for my Birthday which was really nice of my mom as she gets jobs from my Overusing the PC. ^^

Now what? I dislike Yard work, so I help cook sometimes, pick up, and clean. Which is considered work, but I dont get a penny! >< My mom buys me stuff, my dad doesnt! I really need that money for spending money. I want freedom with money, Im a friggen Teen practically! I am kinda shy when doing yard work for other people :\

Well how old are you? Because depending on your responsibility and age ect. you could find a babysitting job or do other odd jobs for people. If any of your neighbors are going away on vacation, ask if they need anybody to take care of their pets or bring in their mail, wtaer the garden, ect. Give that a try if you can.

I never got an allowance and I did a lot around the house when I was younger. I think you're fortunate for what you do get - it was rare that I'd get something that even equals an iPod in cost as a birthday present from my parents. I'd suggest actually talking to your parents to see if you can work something out :rolleyes: I never got paid, never got random "spending money" and rarely was randomly given things, but all of that has taught me to appreciate the generosity of others, as well as the value of a dollar. Now, even if I have $10 in my waller, I think "I have $10 - I am fortunate."

Aside, this confused me:

"as she gets jobs from my Overusing the PC"

I am curious, can you explain what you meant?

Well my mom does this job were she needs to use the Computer to get the job. I have to constantly check the Website to get her jobs, her Job=Money=She buys me stuff sometimes.

Only reason I get Ipod, because dude. Im turning 13! She thinks I because Im becoming a teen I should get one.

I really need money ><

I don't remember what I got for my 13th birthday (that was years ago...) but that means it was nothing extraordinary. I wasn't rewarded for turning into a teenager with gifts, but I was given more responsibilities, so my point is, just be glad for what you're getting :rolleyes:

I understand what you mean now about the computer. Ask her if you can have a "finder's fee" which is basically what it sounds like - you find a job and get say $5 or something along those lines.

You should try doing some work for neighbors or something. You say you're a bit shy, so do work for people your family knows or maybe your friend's families.

Your family doesn't have to pay you, other people do. Even if it makes you uncomfortable, the only way you're going to end up getting money is to get an actual job to do. Like babysitting, being a 'mothers helper' (you help a mom with a baby do stuff around her house. Like playing with her other kids, or something.), petsitting/watching someone's house while they're away, doing yard work for other people, being a golf caddy (my brother made over $200 dollars by caddying twice), or any other job you can think of that's legal for you to do.

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