I think I'm overworking my tamagotchi?


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Nov 15, 2009
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So I just got my Tamagotchi V6 Music Star! I currently have a toddler (almost 1 day/year), Hitodetchi, and I think I am overworking her. So far all her stats are in the 400s, is that a good thing? I dont want her to like go away or anything...lolzz.


you'll know your overworking her if her stress is high. also, make sure ur praising her, that will make her stress go down.

Ahh merci for your advice!

So far all her stat's are 999...and she's only one year old!

I made sure to give her breaks and playtime tho :)


Thats good! I remember I did that with my Music Star too. xD Nothing will happen to her, it's actually a good thing that her points are high! And like tama_luv_333 said, make sure the stress isnt too high, you can play games all you want, but make sure to keep the stress low by praising your tama. ^.^

There is no way your tamagotchi will leave or die to to being overworked or having high skill points.

Just some advice, make sure the stress level dosen't raise above 50 and practising is ok in small doses, let your tamagotchi play with its toy for it to relax and lower its stress.


No not over working.It will have a high chance passing Auditions then!


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