i think my tama had a baby


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Jan 10, 2006
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i got this for my daughter . buti tend to do l the work i dont let her bring it to school she has a habbit of losing things .. anyway .. the stats on my tama are



5 bars under traning

5 yrs old 41 pounds

she happens to be the whale looking one atho currentlywearig the costum

i hear a beep .. and take look

aparently there one other tama n the screen . then other one . it says somthing about love . some heart .. a beep .. some fire works .. then hey a tiny tama is now bouncing arund next to my original one .. but i dont kno what im suposed to do . itss my first tama

the matchmaker probaley came and found you a partner.......................depending on when this happened the bigger charecter willrun away tonight or tomarrow night. Then in the morning you will get to name the babie

do i get to keep the points and things i have from this tama with the baby .. we got tons of stuff .. my daughter has to go to bed soon . wi pausing this delay it until tomorrow if she does run away so she can see wht happens ?

thank u so much ..

other question . is there any specific ay to get a sertin tama i n the end . my daughter ants to get the lil guy who looks like its wearing a crown

my tama and baby are sti together after a full day .. is she gona run .

Yes she will soon ,it takes two days for it to go.

It sould be the next night.

Hope I helped :huh: :eek:


My Whaletchi Blake had a baby when he was 7. Now he is 9 and both he and the baby are still here together. How will I know when he is ready to go?

he will probably leave at midnight tonight.

Oh and you live in Vancouver! I am currently in Victoria! Way COOL!

AAAK! My daughter will have a fit if Blake leaves in the middle of the night! She was in tears when the battery died. If I put it on PAUSE will Blake still be around in the morning?

congratulations!!!!!!! the matchmaker came, you got married, and you had a baby!!! if the baby is black, it is a boy, and if it is white, then you have a girl!

Tama Love, you were right. Blake is still with us; he was paused all night and still there in the morning with baby blob. So the baby will not mature until the adult leaves I guess?

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