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Well-known member
Oct 22, 2007
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I was at a party last night and i was dancing with my friend and then she asked if she could asked Jesse my crush to dance with us. At first i was like, no he willl think i am weird, but then i was like "fine". so i went to go get water and then i went back to her and she said "he is looking for you" and i turned aroud and he was there. Then the best thing happend: we danced together to a slow song until the party ended. Now i was just talking to her on aim and i asked "what did he say when you asked him to dance with us?" and she said "i told him that you wanted to dance with him." SO NOW I KNOW THAT HE DANCED WITH ME JUST BECAUSE SHE ASKED HIM TO! I want to die! i am crying right now and just before i was so happy. I don't know what to do i want to die. please help!


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I dont see how that would make you want to die.

I would be happy :) Most boys dance with girl if they like them or not. I danced with a 6th grader at the school dance, and I dont like (like-like) him, Hey, I didn't even know his name! But I asked him to dance anyways :D

If he danced with you that's great, and you asking isn't a big deal anyways. Who know's, he maybe liked you, or even he just wanted a simple dance. ;)

Dance doesn't mean "love" sometimes it does, but he wouldn't do it because he dislikes you, or has pity for you.

1. He likes you so he danced

or most likely

2. He danced because it was a dance and that is what you do- dance with random people. :(

Why would you want to die? It's not like he hates you XD

But i am worried now that he sees me as some little whyney girl who needs her friend to ask the guy she likes to dance with her. For a few hours i felt good about myself, that me mgiht like me, but now i am just soaked in tears and i want to be dead. What if he thinks i am weird? Or worse, obsesed with him? :) :(


Was He Happy When You Danced With Him, Was He Not Annoyed And Angry? And Didn't He Say He Was Looking For You

He Might Like You, Don't Start Thinking About The Bad Possibilitys, Think Good, I Think He Was Prbably Waiting For You To Ask Him Too =S

One Time These Pile Of Girls Bugged The Living Hell Out Of One Guy Just To Get Him To Dance With Her, But Your Friend Hopefully Didn't Do That

Edit: Just Wait Untill You See Him Again If He Smiles At You Good For You

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Of cource I know it was a slow dance! XD

I've asked my friends to ask a guy, before on a slow dance. Then at school some say "Hey, nice dance wasn't it?" others that I danced with look at me strange all day.

It'll blow over, you should be proud that he even said "yes" to dancing with you.

I asked a guy, and he looked at me and said "No way" and put his hand in frount of his face to block me off,

another time, my friend was talking to a guy, and he looked over at me, and moved his hand in a motion (like a "Go-away") motion, and started talking to my friend again, my friend looked at me and giggled.

Dances are no big deal, they are easy, and they often dont mean anything. If he said "yes" what's so wrong? If he thought you were obsessed he would of said "uhh....no thanks" and he would of tryed to stay away from you. But he said YES!

He didn't even look at me the eniter time tho, i think he was embarrassed or somthing, but after he had to go and he said "i have to go, thanks!" :)


Do not worry. It is ok. Well here is some advice. Go up to him and ask him if he wanted to dance with you or did he dance with you because he was asked to? Maybe he really likes you but you do not know it. You will never know unless you try.

I know the feeling. I would feel, is he thinking of that now!?! It gets frustrating, and you feel stupid and embaressed, but it goes away. Does it feel like as if you were rlly shy and your friend was asking your crush out for you when you were right there? That happened to me, and I felt as if I wished that she wasnt talking, that I wasn't alive. You will get over, trust me :)


I know the feeling. I would feel, is he thinking of that now!?! It gets frustrating, and you feel stupid and embaressed, but it goes away. Does it feel like as if you were rlly shy and your friend was asking your crush out for you when you were right there? That happened to me, and I felt as if I wished that she wasnt talking, that I wasn't alive. You will get over, trust me :)
But, he might tell people that she asked him to dance with me... omg everyone in the school is going to know... and they are going to think that i am stupid and retarted and... i want nothing more then for somone to come into this room and stab me right now.


*Babi*gurl*, you know I've seen you moan about too many "I WANT TO DIE!!" Topics on another topic and now you're doing it yourself. It isn't the worse situation ever, people have worse lives. As Miley said, you'll get over it.

Sorry for being mean.

yes but i am not saying "my life sux" and "i want to be emo" or whatever. I am embarrassed and hurt and confused and i have to see him tomarrow and everyone in the school is going to know that my friend asked him to dance with me. I just don't want to be ridculed and made fun of, i have had enough of that in my life.


That's nothing you should want to die for lol. He could of said he didn't want to dance with you, but he did dance with you for a long time. So that's a good thing because he could of just danced with you for 5 minutes then wandered off.

But it was my friend, so if somones friend came up to you and said "so and so wants to dance with you" what would you say? You would have to say yes. And she didn't even say "do you want to dance with her?" she just said "she wants to dance with you".


Hey, at least he said yes. It's not like he didn't want to; if he didn't, he wouldn't have danced with you. You should be happy that he said yes.

I was at a party last night and i was dancing with my friend and then she asked if she could asked Jesse my crush to dance with us. At first i was like, no he willl think i am weird, but then i was like "fine". so i went to go get water and then i went back to her and she said "he is looking for you" and i turned aroud and he was there. Then the best thing happend: we danced together to a slow song until the party ended. Now i was just talking to her on aim and i asked "what did he say when you asked him to dance with us?" and she said "i told him that you wanted to dance with him." SO NOW I KNOW THAT HE DANCED WITH ME JUST BECAUSE SHE ASKED HIM TO! I want to die! i am crying right now and just before i was so happy. I don't know what to do i want to die. please help!

*That was uncalled for*

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