i want to get a mame family but how?(smart family)


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Well-known member
Jul 5, 2008
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hi so my tamagotchis not an adult yet but i want to be ready for it so just in case I need to get it to 100 bond points or something i wanted to know. :angry: :huh:

oh yea can i also ask you gies to tell me how to add colored words and stuff plz :) :eek:

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Ah. A Mame family wanter. How nice!

First of all, you need a Mametchi. To get this guy, you need 80-100% bondings. And when your Tamas call for training, ALWAYS USE THE FIRST TOY! Then, your first or second Tamagotchi that's a boy will turn into a Mametchi.

Next, when your Mametchi is at marrying age, make sure those bondings are 100%!

Then for your mate, pick a Chantotchi! That's a girl Tamagotchi that looks similar to the Mametchi, only, kinda girly, so yeah.

If you see 2 eggs! Congrats! You've got a Mame Family! :)

thank you guys so much my tamagotchi is about 1 day into being a teenager and the bon percent is at 50% I have a mamekatchi boy a chamametchi girl and a korokotchi boy and im in first generation whatever that means can i still get a mametchi :) :D

To get the Mame Family, all you need is to get a Mametchi. To do that give your whole family excellent care. Never let hearts drop too low. When they call for training, always pick the first toy. Get their bonding up to 100%, get Mametchi to marry a Chantotchi, then you'll have 2 eggs =)

Well whenever your tamas want to train which happens at even hours (8am, 10am, 12pm...), select the first item you see in the row of four. Keep doing this because it increases Smartness. The middle one increases Cheerfulness and the last one increases Easy Goingness. Hope I helped! :wacko:

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