Ichiroid: The iD L[og]


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I finished working on Hanikamitchi's care misses first because he only needed 2 for Kuromametchi. However, it was rough on Hineonetchi.


I had to make sure I give her 5 care misses instead of 6, because I already had Uwasatchi before. I trusted my pad paper for this. :p


By the time the sun began to set, I ordered the two Houses to stop whatever they are doing and start cleaning up the house to prepare for their adulthood.

They both happily obliged.


Hanikamitchi is older by about an hour and a half, so he evolved first.

Surprise! :D


It's Kuromametchi! I'm so glad to have this cool guy back! :D

He then opened the present that Hineonetchi sent earlier today. It's his favourite Metal Guitar! :D


It gave him his first happy symbol. And while he went crazy over his new toy, Hineonetchi simply spent the time playing in the rain.


Before Hineonetchi went to bed at 7 PM, Kuromametchi dropped by to say thanks for the present that he loved so much.

He told her that he can't wait for her to evolve as well. She's due for adulthood tomorrow. He hugged her goodnight afterwards.


Here's hoping to get Nachuratchi tomorrow! ;)

Today was an entirely busy day for yours truly. Fortunately our two residents are full-grown adults now, so they require much less attention than before.

Good morning, White and Green houses! Uh-oh...


This has already happened before right? Well, this time is better since I no longer have to chase them around. :)

Without second thoughts they both went diving into their baths and are squeaky clean in no time.


The Green House's Kuromametchi is excited to see how Hineonetchi grew up to be.

As expected, we've got Nachuratchi! Kuromametchi dropped by the White House and I let him stay there all morning. :D

White House


For lunch, Nachuratchi visited her grandfather Maisutatchi for a meal.


Translation: "Give me a moment, I'll prepare you a meal right away."

Nothing much happened for the rest of the day, as I was quite occupied and both Nachuratchi and Kuromametchi survived the entire afternoon without any mishaps.

They seem to be quite happy staying inside their houses.

I was somewhat surprised that Nachuratchi went to bed at 8 PM!


Green House

With no one else to play with, Kuromametchi put out his guitar, but I advised him to go to the park instead; for we don't want to wake Nachuratchi up who sleeps soundly right next door.


He played with a few pets there, and then we came across Terulin for a bit of small talk.


Translation: "Hi, I'm Terulin! Let's play together! What shall we play... how about Mimic My Face?"

He played with Terulin until I noticed the clock strike at 9:30 PM. We bade good-night to Terulin as I took Kuromametchi back to the Green House for his bedtime.

* * *

Tomorrow, we are expecting Kuromametchi to receive his final symbol. However, I am planning to keep him for a while longer for a very special "mission".

The plans for mating with Nachuratchi will be cancelled as taking care of two babies simultaneously is way too much for my schedule, as I will be having a very busy weekend.

Nachuratchi, on the other hand, will graduate on Saturday morning and her ceremony will push through as planned.

This will allow us to use the toddler trick to ensure that we will get a baby boy this time for Mission Mimo.

What is Mission Mimo?

For the next generation, the Ichiroid House will pay tribute to Mimo, a Kuchipatchi character who stayed beside our fellow TamaTalker dbauer at all times during one of her life's most painful chapters.

As a very loyal friend, Mimo never left her side and comforted her as much as he can. However, he met his untimely demise due to life's continuous struggles, leaving her alone in this world.

We all know how special our Tamagotchis to us, and for some people, they are more than just toys. Just like Mimo, once in our lives they were there as our friend and loyal companion.

Mission Mimo aims to pay tribute to this hero. We will hatch a Kuchipatchi, name him Mimo and give him all the care and support he truly deserves. We will relive the legacy of Mimo and all his happy memories.

Kuromametchi of the Green House has already volunteered to be his guardian in his younger days and will make sure that he grows up to be a healthy and adorable Kuchipatchi - exactly how Mimo grew up before.

To find out more about Mission Mimo, click here to read this touching, yet heart-breaking story that inspired our upcoming 16th generation in the Ichiroid House.

Mimo lives on...

Ideas? Messages? Do not hesitate to drop your messages. If we like your message, we will read them on-air. :D

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Hello again guys! I know everyone's pretty much excited about Mission Mimo, even our residents couldn't hide their excitement.

But with big missions like this requires not only dedication, but also preparation.

I took turns in attending to the needs of the two Houses. I would take care of the White House first, spend an hour, switch to the Green House, another hour then repeat.

Green House

A bit of Friday the 13th craziness has hit the Green House. I was knocking on the door when Kuromametchi kept on shouting "Wait!".

I don't know what's taking him so long to answer the door, until...


Good Heavens! How did those goggles end up there!?

Turns out that Nachuratchi has discovered the "crazy tradition" and told Kuromametchi. He sneaked out in the middle of the night as planned and she handed the goggles over and surprise me this morning.

After a moment of giggle fit, I asked him to take it off. And then he broke loose! "Come and get it!", he shouted.


And I chased him around the garden up to the park and back. I was so tired that I just sat down while I watched this crazy creature with those odd goggles play basketball with our neighbour who seemed to enjoy laughing as well.

He finally felt sorry for making me so tired that I ordered him to go to Tama Depa and plant a seed as a minor "disciplinary action". It didn't trouble him in any manner and he seemed to even enjoy it.


White House

Nachuratchi asked permission from me to spend the rest of the day outside taking pictures. She told me that she wanted to pursue her photography dream before she graduates tomorrow.


She went to the park, took pictures of all the pets she could catch, met the Onsen guy and the musician in Melody Land.

(to be continued next post... )

Green House

While Nachuratchi was busy outside, I went back to the Green House and Kuromametchi looked concerned. I asked him why.


Translation: "Akio, let's go to Tama Cafe!"

Okay, so I tagged him and we went for a drink. He asked me if it's really that hard to be a guardian.

I laughed at the little one's concern. I assured him that I will guide him every step of the way, so there's nothing to be afraid of.

Upon arriving back at the Green House, the fourth seal awaits us at the doorstep.


"I think I am ready," he told me.

White House

After Kuromametchi played a trick on me this morning, I should have already seen this coming. :p


Oh look at them both, stargazing at the lovely night sky.


Nachuratchi has to go to bed soon, so Kuromametchi dropped by and wished her all the best for her graduation tomorrow.


Green House

After Nachuratchi went to bed, I asked Kuromametchi to the garden and we had our talk about the mission.

I've never seen him this serious before. I told him everything that he needed to know and assured him that everything will be okay.


I left him there in his thoughts. I think he needed more time to pull himself together and finally get ready for tomorrow as Nachuratchi graduates and gives birth to Mimo.

Thanks for tuning in, guys! The positive feedback I've been getting is way beyond what I expected!

Let's hope for the best as we send off Nachuratchi and welcome Mimo into the White House tomorrow! :)

Are you excited? We all are! :D

Special Back-to-back Episode: HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MIMO! :D

The big day has finally arrived.

Nachuratchi's last happy symbol arrived in the morning, while Kuromametchi is preparing for his mission by taking a bath.


Nachuratchi prepared the White House for Mimo's arrival. She started doing the usual housework and prepared for her trip to the Matchmaker.


She married Bokutchi and soon enough, Mimo is born! :D


She sang him a lullaby and sent him to sleep. She wrote a letter for Kuromametchi and she went on her way.

A few minutes later Mimo woke up and spoke for the first time! ;)


Translation: "Ichiro!"

I immediately attended to Mimo's needs. He ate a few rice bowls for breakfast.


While Kuromametchi has been tending to his garden, he receives Nachuratchi's note.


(to be continued next post...)

Kuromametchi was so delighted to see Mimo! :D

He was present the entire time and made sure that Mimo was never hungry nor bored.


After Mimo and "Uncle" Kuromametchi had lunch, we went straight to the Gotchi King Palace to introduce Mimo.

We told him of his story and he was deeply moved. He gave us 200 GP and told us to take good care of him.


After we went home, I gave Uncle Kuromametchi his much-needed break while I took over.

Shortly Mimo has evolved into the cute Fruitspanchi! :D


Isn't he adorable? I ran towards the Green House to tell Uncle Kuromametchi the good news.

He did not waste any second!


Uncle was also generous. He had White House remodeled into a spaceship, just like the Green House!


Mimo spent the rest of the day playing outside, while Uncle Kuromametchi happily watched his little Mimo play from his house next door.


Tomorrow, Mimo is due to evolve into Bokuhoshitchi, and hopefully --- Kuchipatchi!

Thanks for the support, guys! Cheers for Mimo! :D

Hello and welcome to our new subscribers Brento and .britt.!

Special waves and happy reading to webster04 and his friends Ryusei and Kitsune! :D

YAY! We've got a positive response from Mimo's friend! :)

Omg! This is so exciting. Look at little Mimo, gorwing up so fast :D
Indeed he is! This morning, Little Mimo is now a teen and has evolved into Bokuhoshitchi! :D

Uncle Kuromametchi is somehow surprised to see how big Mimo has grown.


We let Mimo enjoy the morning sun and let him play outside, while Uncle Kuro is working hard in cleaning up the Green House.


As a token of gratitude for Uncle Kuro, I bought him a red sports car!

He was delighted to see his new car and I told him that he can take the day off and go on a road trip. :)


Back in the White House, it started to rain in the afternoon. Oh no!

We decided to just stay home and watch TV instead.


Mimo felt hungry after watching a few movies, so despite the rain I took him to the Bakery and we had some sweet eclairs.


Mimo is doing great and healthy so far.

Tomorrow morning, he is due to evolve into his adult form. Let's keep our fingers crossed for Kuchipatchi! :)

Today is the most-awaited day for everyone who's been watching Mimo grow since he's born!

White House

From Bokuhoshitchi, Mimo has finally evolved into...


...Kuchipatchi! :D

Let's welcome our beloved hero with big, big hugs!

Celebration has erupted within the two Houses. Even Uncle Kuro is back from his road trip and he bought something special for Mimo!


I wonder what could it be?


It's Mimo's favourite cloud! And it started raining candies the moment he hopped onto it!

Mimo was rolling around with laughter as he ate all the candies that were scattered around the garden in seconds!

He sure loves to eat... I took Mimo to the Restaurant for lunch, and he jumped for joy at the sight of the burger!


I love seeing Mimo this happy! He was so full of energy that he spent the whole afternoon playing outside.


LOL, and even Mimo did not think twice about following the "crazy tradition"!


For some reason, his Hunger meter depletes faster than that of Uncle Kuro, but I guess that explains his hyper-activeness throughout the day.

Hey Mimo, why don't you show some love to everyone who supported you and watched you grow? ;)


He loves all of you guys! :D

(to be continued next post)

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Green House

Uncle Kuro has been watching Mimo play from his garden all day, and I was somewhat surprised by his silence.


I jumped over the fence on the White House to the garden of the Green House to join him.

He was smiling, yet teary-eyed. He was so happy to have raised Mimo into the adorable Kuchipatchi he is now.

I hugged Uncle Kuro and thanked him for his dedication for raising our little hero, and he handed me his photo album. I opened the pages...



Oh, look at him grow... :)

I told him I was also somehow surprised to see how quick he has grown. With that, we officially declare Mission Mimo a huge success!

My big salute to Uncle Kuro for his dedication and for loving Mimo as much as his own son and for guiding him every step of the way. And with that we also declare Uncle Kuromametchi's graduation!

It's hard and sad to see him go, I tried to fight back the emotions while I watch him pack up and hug Mimo before we finally put the lock on the Green House.


Mimo couldn't help but feel sad to see his foster father go, but Uncle Kuro assured him that he will be just around and he can drop by his place in Tamatown anytime for a free meal.

Mimo and I waved Uncle Kuro gooodbye as he drives away into the night.


I personally think that I did the right decision in picking him to raise our little Mimo. What do you guys think?

So what will become of the Green House now?

The Green House will be undergoing a major renovation to be able to accommodate next week's 15th Anniversary iD L Hatch! :D

Of course we need to give it a new name.

Got a cool suggestion in mind? Send your ideas in! :)

Here's a message from dbauer (Mimo's friend):

dbauer said:
Brings tears to my eyes... So awesome! Thank Ichiro and Uncle Kuro for Raising Mimo!
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Before we air tonight's final episode, in behalf of Mimo, everyone else who have come and gone inside the Ichiroid House and the entire "production staff", we thank everyone for your support, feedback and ideas. If it wasn't for you guys, we could not have lasted the log for this long. We are indebted to everyone for your time and participation during the past 10 generations inside the White House.

As a special token, we have gathered everyone who has graduated from the White House to reunite. These are the little ones that you guys have witnessed from the day they hatched our from their eggs to their respective graduation ceremonies. They are here to say their thanks and to give you guys your well-deserved hug!

From the graduates of the Ichiroid House:


Thank you. We could never say it enough.


Yes, it is the final episode of the first season --- which means we are heading straight towards Season 2!

The Ichiroid staff is busy preparing the new house (yes, an entirely new one!) which will be our new home where we'll hatch new characters, see them grow and visit new and exciting places! Huge new surprises await in store!

Catch tonight's Season Finale for more information (and a sneak preview of the next season's pilot)! :D

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On Mimo's second day as an adult in the White House, we took him to the Henshinjo to get dressed up!

He looks extremely adorable in that Patchisaurus costume! He may be a dinosaur but he's too cute to look scary. :p


He was playing in the garden when a note flew in and landed in the grass. We picked it up and he started jumping with glee! I wonder why?

It's from Uncle Kuro! He wrote a letter to us, telling him that he's finally settled in Tamatown and he wants Mimo to come over for lunch. Isn't that great? :D


Mimo enjoyed the rest of the day. He didn't even want to take his Patchisaurus costume off so I didn't bother asking him.

Early the next day, his final Happy Seal arrived. Mimo is now added to the list of graduates!


And then I realized... it's graduation time.

Time really flew quickly. Just a few days ago we had this bouncing little ball with the yellow knitted hat, and now he's all grown up and green. :p

He has lost his friend a long time ago and I couldn't be more excited, for now he's graduating --- he can now reunite with her.

We packed up Mimo's things and prepared for his journey. Before he officially left the White House, we dropped by the Gotchi King's Palace one more time.


The King was delighted to see him again, and he was very pleased himself to know that he will be reuniting with his long-lost friend soon.

We took Mimo to the Train Station to finally board his train home-bound.


He was all smiles when he boarded the train. He's so excited!

To dbauer: Mimo's on his way home. He will be back with you soon! :D

After I went home, I took a long look at the White House, cleaned up the tiny specks of dust and let the production crew took over.

I was afraid they might demolish it due to the memories left in the house, but they assured me that they will only do some remodeling.

I wonder what their plans for this House are?

* * * * * *

What's in Season 2?

Season 2 will take place in the newly-renovated House that sits beside the White House (formerly known as the Green House).

In the next season, we will have a fresh new start. We will hatch, meet and grow a new set of characters, raise them and take them to new and exciting places!

Apparently, the new House looks ready!

Here's a small teaser for you guys to know what to expect and be excited about!


You guys know what this is, right? It's exciting, I know! :D

The egg is due to hatch on Friday, July 20th! Mark your calendars for the premiere of Ichiroid: Season 2! ;)
