ick. :(


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Well-known member
Aug 4, 2007
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Uk, England.
Well, it started at about 8 in the evening. I was on the computer and my mother was in the other room, watching television. I was playing around on anime forums, when i heard somebody knock on the door. My auntie wasn't due back from her boyfriends house till tomorrow, i wondered who it could be. I stayed sat at the computer chair, but my mother didn't. She went to answer it. I was curious when i never heard her open the door, so i came to see what was going on. Then i knew. There was a really scary looking man, it was hard to make out his features in the dark, but he was dressed darkly. I saw something in his hand that me and my mum decided was booze, and he was demanding to speak to somebody called Shirley. Nobody named Shirley lived at our house, so mother told him they didn't. She then went back to tv, i went back to the computer. He wouldn't go away, he knocked again, he wouldn't stop half through the night. He finally went away when my mother threatened to call the police. He looked about 40, but god, it scared me so much.

But my question is, what would you do in a situation like this?

I live near a pub, so it's likely to happen again to me.

Replies are appreciated~

What a strange situation. I am glad nothing actually came of this.

If I was not the one at the door, I would have grabbed my little video cam and got some vid of this nut.

I am sure anyone who had to deal with this would have been a bit shaken up.

Maybe aq guy is trying to pull a prank. But just call the police if someone did that again.

Wow...that is scary...however, I think I heard this before...??

Sounds like you had to deal with some sort of mental case. o__O

I don't know, but I think that if it ever happens again where he won't go away, call the police.

I probably would have been scared to death if that ever happened to me.

Sounds like he's just a drunk fool.

If something like this happens again, don't answer the door. If some wierdo keeps pouding at your door or something make sure to call the police.

The threat with the police usually is enough to scare those morons away. I don't think any dark looking man would get fair into my house. Our dog is a bit selective with which men he's okay with and what other men he DOES NOT like (What do you expect? with 2 women in the house lol).

My mother also refuses to answer the door after it's gotten dark unless one of us is expecting a visitor.

next time if your alone (Hope it dun happen o.o) Don't even threaten to call the 5-0 just do it if your underage they will probaly come and take him away for a reason that I cannot think of right now..

He was probably just some drunk guy coming from the pub, but jeez I would have been freaked out too.

I'm sure it won't happen again, well maybe, but next time call the police because someone that drunk shouldn't be out walking and bothering people at a late time like that.

Well, it started at about 8 in the evening. I was on the computer and my mother was in the other room, watching television. I was playing around on anime forums, when i heard somebody knock on the door. My auntie wasn't due back from her boyfriends house till tomorrow, i wondered who it could be. I stayed sat at the computer chair, but my mother didn't. She went to answer it. I was curious when i never heard her open the door, so i came to see what was going on. Then i knew. There was a really scary looking man, it was hard to make out his features in the dark, but he was dressed darkly. I saw something in his hand that me and my mum decided was booze, and he was demanding to speak to somebody called Shirley. Nobody named Shirley lived at our house, so mother told him they didn't. She then went back to tv, i went back to the computer. He wouldn't go away, he knocked again, he wouldn't stop half through the night. He finally went away when my mother threatened to call the police. He looked about 40, but god, it scared me so much.
But my question is, what would you do in a situation like this?

I live near a pub, so it's likely to happen again to me.

Replies are appreciated~
either he was all drunk n stuff or he had the wrong adress!!

I would keep my doors and windows locked, and keep a phone and a cam @ hand....

When I first read that I thought someone was just spoofing off "When A Stranger Calls"...and then I figured out it was real....



[SIZE=14pt]Hmmm.....the best thing is to not open the door unless you know for sure who it is.The situation you and your mom had been in could've gone much differently (thankfully it didn't).Just ask who's at the door if you hear a knock on it after nightfall.That's the best I got.^^;[/SIZE]

Maybe Shirley was his wife.

And she had either left him or gotten killed, so he couldn't talk to her anymore.

To drown his sorrows he--got drunk! D:

And he was just sad, and a little crazy. :C

Well, I would make up a story like that, then it wouldn't seem so scary.

But still scary.

if he asks for money take what you have and throw it all out of the window as far as you can. Then say I'm calling the police. My grandfather was a cop and he said if a guy wants money you throw all of it in different directions, so you have time to call the police or in another case run away.

That once happend to my nan but he was REALY drunk the next mornin there was his CLOTHES on her lawn :D lol he must be a naked nutcase :(

if i was u i would either: wait for him to go away

not awnser the door

call the police!

Hope i helped and have a great tama day! :(

Drunk-O. Make sure you call the cops on guys like these to prevent this happening. I mean, right away. Don't just threaten or guess what? Someone else will end up with good ol' Mr. Drunk-O at their door the next day if he isn't put into his place.

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