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September 2008 Contest Winner
Nov 5, 2005
Reaction score
Jacksonville Florida
Well around 4:00 today, Some idiots working on our tree (Everyones trees near the powerline) Blasted a Transformer! Since my house is right near the Power line pole I saw a blinding light XP

Me: *typing on TT*


Me: WHAT THE!? *sees Flashy light from PC screen, street power goes dead*

Mom: Great

Timothy: No power mommy! No power!

Me: Idiots dont know how to work with Powerlines

~A hour later~

JEA comes out and fixes power

They barely knew english as well, What you think!? Its cold outside as well

Omg! wow! Thats funny but NOT good, and very frustrating! They shouldnt have been hired!

uh-oh. That's terrable! :angry: although, Nummy is right, everyone makes mistakes...

Accidents happen.
GR! you took my words again! XE

yeah, i wouldnt be calling them "idiots" either because you dont even know the slightest thing about fixing the power.

But they were cutting the branches above the powerline, atleast catch the branch before someone gets hurt...

But they were cutting the branches above the powerline, atleast catch the branch before someone gets hurt...
yeah, i know what you mean,

sry, that might have a been a little harsh of me.

neways, but things happen to the best of us :angry:

You wouldn't know how many times somebody down here has killed the power from digging where they shouldn't, messing with things they aren't allowed to etc.

And usually when the power goes out from natural causes, we are last to get power back. I know how you felt... x_x

If u were in the middle of the post, then I know how that's like. Once I was typing this super long post and then I pressed this key and suddenly the WHOLE POST WAS DELETED!!!!!! I had to type the whole thing over again. Also yesterday I started an AMV and then the program started not responding but I never even got 2 save it yet and the whole movie was gone after all that work!!!! :angry:

maybe they thought they knew what they were doing but that shouldn't matter...

Once, a squirell got caught in a trasformer near my house.... Big blue flash, and a charred squirell on the road came out of that one.

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