If Tamagotchis were humans...


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Eternal Mametchi Fan

Well-known member
Jan 22, 2012
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In an egg
What color would their hair be? What tone would their skin be? What would their body image be? :eek: Realistically speaking~

I imagine Mametchi to have fair skin, average height (neither tall not short) a healthy weight (but closer to overweight than underweight), and short scruffy black hair. Some people depict Mametchi as blonde, probably because his skin is yellow, but his hair is actually very dark blue in the anime and seems like black...

I think Memetchi would be a healthy weight too, but closer to underweight. Instead of being underweight, I imagine her as being quite tall. I think her hair would be just under shoulder-length, very curly, and very dark brown (almost black). I imagine her as having slightly tanned skin.

Makiko would have the same skin tone as Memetchi, but she'd be a little taller and her hair would be completely black. It's be more wavy than curly, and go past her shoulders.

Kuchipatchi would be large; taller than Mametchi, and he'd be obese *giggles IRL* and have hazel, straight hair in a bowl-shaped hairstyle :p He'd be slightly paler than Mametchi.

Kuishinbotchi would have curly blonde hair and be a bit shorter and less fat than Kuchipatchi. Not sure about skin tone though.

For some reason I think Melodytchi would be black (but not very dark) with short black hair. :) She'd be a little overweight because of her love for sweets >w<

Lovelitchi would be like the stereotypical celebrity; skinny, long wavy blonde hair, and very pale skin :p

Kuromametchi would be black, darker than Melodytchi, and have a black, spiky hairstyle and a sporty physique.

Violetchi would be tan with shoulder-length medium/dark brown hair~

She'd be kinda short and skinny >w<


Anyway uh that's all for now, I'll think of more later XD

What do YOU think Tamagotchi characters would look like if they were humans? :)

Hoshigirltchi (because that's the character I've got on my TF at the moment) could have her headgear replaced with pink hair, and the yellow spike could be fringe. She could have big flowers in her hair, with smaller blue eyes. She's gotta have a bit of a V-shaped neck instead of a round one too. She'd also be about twice her actual size, too.
I see Pianitchi as having short, golden curly hair and soft, pale skin, and a dainty body image :3

Perhaps I should try drawing my gijinka ideas...


I drew some ovo

Now I think Melodutchi would be blonde and Mametchi as well only his ears would be a hat XP

Coffretchi would have light brown hair (but not quite blonde). She would have a ponytail of course, maybe tied up in a pink scrunchie or a yellow ribbon. She'd have a lot of eyeliner, cheek blush, lipstick, curled eyelashes, and other make-up.

I know she seems "blonde" due to her ditzy personality but I don't want to be stereotypical. Her hair does look blonde but gijinkas don't have to have the exact same color hair.

Coffretchi is shorter than Lovelitchi and Melodytchi in the anime, so she'd be shorter than them if they were all humans as well.

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I think Himespetchi would have a strawberry blonde hair in a boys cut adorned with star barrettes. She would be a slight on the chubby side but not too much

Her skin would be on the tanner side and shed be a couple inches shorter than Mametchi, but she always wears her high heeled boots

I agree with Himespetchi being a strawberry blonde, but for some reason I imagine her with light skin (blonde hair doesn't look good with tanned or dark skin in my opinion) and quite slender. I guess because her arms are skinny, and her legs are skinny as well when she isn't wearing her boots. I think she would be petite because she is training to be a dainty princess :blink:

I guess I wouldnt say so much chubby, but muscular (couldnt think of it :p ) Cause shes a power/gourmet/intelligence type on the Ps

I'd picture Marotchi as a medium height person. With black hair in a bob and a ribbon ontop. Quite a lot of makeup on. Pale skin. Dark eyes. Yes, Marotchi reminds me of Snow White. Her typical outfit would be punky and stylish... maybe tight jeggings and a black vest with boots one day and a denim jacket with a black laced skirt on another.

Yes. I'm picturing Marotchi as a hip-hop punky Snow White.

This is fun. Now I'll do Ichigotchi.

I picture her as sweet and feminine lol. Long caramel hair, usually secured with a pink hairband with a silver bow ontop, stunning hazel eyes. Short and petite figure. You can find her in quaint coffee shops or in a quiet library, usually with a pair of headphones (baby blue color) on her ears. Ichigotchi's getup would be laced white dresses, a closet full of mint skirts and pink tops, and soft brown and gray pairs of knee-high boots.

Okay um probably I'll do one last. Shimashimatchi.

Dirty blonde hair. Blue eyes. Almost close to amber. White glasses. Full lips & cheeks. Hippy style. Often sporting jerseys and sports shorts, hair tied up in a bun at the top of her haid or out of her face with a thick hairband. Carries a jug of water everywhere, as well as a clear backpack.


Spacytchi would have light skin and black hair, and have deep blue eyes. He'd wear a short-sleeved t-shirt with an 'S' on it with jeans, and wear white gloves (of course) and white tennis shoes. ^_^

Orenetchi would be short, young and skinny. He would have blonde hair and would wear blue soccer sport jerseys. His hair would be short-ish and his pink scarf would be uh, ditch the pink scarf

I imagine Togetchi like the stereotypical cute anime boy that often appears in shojos: messy, kind of long blond hair, mildly pale skin, tall and slender. Always with a bored look in his face. He would have this kind of personality where he acts like he doesn't care about anything and he may seem rude, but deep inside he has a big heart and a kind spirit :D

I know, it's a bit dumb buy hey! - it's the way I imagine him.

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