If you could change you username


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' date='+August 08, 2010 03:56 am'] ^ :'D
It's a good username, da~?

[[ Hanatamago ]]

I'm also liking that one. 8D /likes too many usernames she comes up wtih

I haven't thought of changing my username, and I will probably never do it (well we can't do it anyways.)I took at least half an hour thinking on names before registering.I even had a list of names (at least 40.LOL), but I chose "sweet.angel", basically because if I ever get tired of tamagotchis,I won't be disturbed by "tama-lover20", or "foreverGotchiGirl12", or "tamaluv11".

So "sweet.angel" was definetely the best choice. :D

And it's kinda cute. :D

Guess who finally changed their username.

So until I get annoyed of it, I'll be sticking with this one.

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