If you could have one power...


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Vampirism! I have a biting kink, now shut up! -pout-

Hate you, the Queen of Hell, Liz!

i wanna turn invisable and make peiople forget what just happend...emagin the fun u could have with that!! :huh:

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I would be Telekinetic [move stuff with your mind]. Yay.

Or mind reading. That would be fun..

It would be awesome to be a Cullen. Or a Quileute werewolf. Hehe [we all love Twilight...] :D

bein' werewolf definetly! i would be able to stay up all night terrorising people [ :) ] and i could talk to animals, though it wouldn't be easy considering i am pretty much the thing that no animal ever wants to get within 1,000 feet of

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