If you found a purse


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Since my dad's a cop, I'd have no choice to give it to him to find who owns it.

I wouldn't keep it anyway. It just wouldn't be right.

I'd look at it thoroughly, but give it to an authority.

keeping it is like stealing it and in

my religon stealing is bad so i would

just leave it there cuz wht if it were sumones and

they jus had to go to the bathroom?so yup :lol:

Keep it definitly!!! Nice bag, 250 bucks, and a new celly! Sweetness. Besides whoever lost it clearly doesn't care much about that stuff enough to lose it. :chohimetchi:


Me: *putting up poster*


Me: HOLD IT! What's your namee....>.>?

Guy: Um....Sarah?

Me: *checks credit card* Sorry, Its not yours. *walks off*

Mind: HAHAHAHA, You are a luzer. because you tried to STEALLL someone else's wallet! NAnanananana. XD

Then I'd put up more posters to come to my front door and see if it's yours. Then after 30 days, I'd keep it > ;)


I would feel bad keeping it. Even though I don't like Coach, I know how expensive it is and just keeping it would be horrible. If I lost my purse I'd be extremely angry and sad. I dunno. I'd probably turn it in and if no one looks for it or claims it, I'd take it.

I'd either turn it in to the police or put up posters, saying:


Bag. Has a phone, money, make-up, etc.

If you have lost it, please call to collect it.

Then there's the whole, "ZOMG, DAT'Z MINE." Fiasco. I'd ask them over the phone, for some information about the bag. They get it wrong, I say, "Sorry but this isn't your bag." Get it right and I'd arrange a place to collect it.

I would attempt to give it back if there was a cellphone/I.D, but if there was no identification or anything, I'd keep it. Obviously the person was careless enough to just leave it sitting around anyways.

To be honest, I'm sure most of us would take it. ;)

Peace and love,


if someone really wanted it, they'd call the phone. i'd probbably keep it. if you really would'nt be able to stand yourself spendig the money, give it to a charity or as birthday money xD

and my friend's mum knows a charity where you can donate phones and personal items to previousley-abused women, i think that would be cool.

and as for the purse and wallet, goodwill, american army, gift or something.




those are if you really would'nt be able to stand yourself.

I'd either leave it there or take it to a lost and found because you never know there could be drugs or something like that in it and I don't want to be accused for holding drugs or weapons that aren't mine or have anything to do with me. =3 Or I'd take the money and leave it there lol.

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OKAY... so maybe not a WORLDWIDE search maybe just in the authorities or somthin'???

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