If you had one wish.... what would it be?


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Well-known member
Mar 31, 2006
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Hmmmmmmm..... I know this is a tough question beacause there are sooooooooo many awesome things to wish for in the world! But I think I'd wish for friends and best friends to never get into fights and to always be awesome friends forever! :p

So, if you had one wish... what would it be??? :eek:


(I'm obseesed with these *) :D

[SIZE=7pt]I'd wish I could turn invisible whenever I wanted. Of course I'd want my clothes to turn invisible also.[/SIZE]

I'm not going to say why; You'd probably think I'm weird.

my gosh that is hard 2 chose

1. all lost people (non-christians) to some how be found (become a christian)

P.S don't comment on this please it is what I beleive

2. World peace

and so many more!!!!

(this is labeled by importance 2 me)

Now that's a wish JAM. You are so right!! That would be just wonderful!

thank U but it will require soo much faith 4 that 2 happen....but I'll keep my hopes up!!

They're asterisks, for your information.

I don't know. Five more wishes, then the power to species shift between Twilight style Vampire, a Timelord, and a human. Then to be able to find someone just like Yuki and to stay in a long-term friend relationship or more [haha, devoted fan, devoted fan] then, the rest of the four wishes would go to my family.

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Three more wishes. And once I got to the third wish of those three wishes, I'd wish for three more wishes and so on.

But my main wishes would be..

1. No school. I'm a lazy person and thats that.

2. Become invisable when I want, just like City Lights.

3. Go places alone without the fear of being kidnapped.

[SIZE=7pt]I'd wish I could turn invisible whenever I wanted. Of course I'd want my clothes to turn invisible also.[/SIZE]I'm not going to say why; You'd probably think I'm weird.
That's cool.

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