If you have siblings...


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Oct 17, 2009
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At Krystal's house (duh! I'm her famil
I have two younger sisters. Eilish (eye-lish) is 7 and Ashlyn (ash-lin) is 10. I totally adore Eilish, she's cute and gorgeous. Ashlyn, however is a little terror and we fight like cat and dog. But I love her all the same. I think the feeling is mutual, lol! Eilish and I get on really well, I tuck her in and read stories, walk to school and pick her and Ashlyn up. Ashlyn like to stir people up and her favourite target? Me. So yeah. But we all love each other...except on long car trips. We almost killed each other driving to Albany. My poor parents.

Remake of the old topic, I assume?

My brother's 22 and a fantastic person to hang around with.

Though, he can be excessively childish at times.

He's the magical person that introduced me to a load of stuff; anime, manga, movies, video games - it's all been him.

And we weren't the type to fight often, either.

Nowadays, we're older now so we don't squabble over toys or who gets the computer anymore.

I'd honestly say he's one of the best people I've met in my life, and thankful for my relationship with him. (8

I have a half-sister, who's three. I see her once every two or three weeks. She makes me run around alot xD And she's really bossy. "You sit there, I'm reading you a story!" (counting the number of animals on each page) or "Sister, lets play monsters!"

She calls me sister, because we always said "Where's your sister?" instead of "Where's Beth" when she was little x3

I have a little sister who's 10 years old. She can be very obnoxious sometimes, but i can't say i hate her. She always thinks she's right, even though she usually isn't, which gets irritating very quickly. She's also offended very easily, which is annoying to me, because i can be kind of.... insulting. she can be very funny at times, though.

i have a older brother and a younger brother, so im the only girl. carson likes tamagotchi but he is so annoying! kyle, my older brother is even more annoying. and when he gets mad he thinks he is the boss. he lives with us and he is turning 20 this july the 13 (yes, friday the 13th)!

Just one older brother. I'm sure you've seen me mention him here and there on the forums. He's 17, 3 years older than me. He's a really fun older brother. He got me into what I'm into today. x3 Star Wars, LotR, Zelda, pretty much everything. :'D

We do have our little brawls, but not often. We get along really good. <3

No siblings... though I do have a double cousin. [related on both sides]

Technically speaking, he's more a brother than a cousin, though he doesn't live with me.

His name's Kristopher. 2 and a half years younger than me, so I suppose he'd be annoying? We get into fights often, and I'm serious when I mean physical fights. He once punched me in the jaw after I kicked him in the stomach, making him fall onto a Lego tower. .__.

So I suppose we're more like brother and sister as opposed to cousins. Similar names, constant fights, all that stuff.

But even though it seems like we don't get along, we both like Star Wars, Green Day, and staying up late for pointless reasons.

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i have 4 cousins. one is megan who is 17 one is devin who is 15 and another is charile who is 2 and a new baby cousin named patrick who is...uh...aged 0 xD

Me and megan: we dont really talk to each other alot because she goes on FARMVILLE al the time...

Me and devin: we do get along together but he gets to obbessed with his pS3..playing NHL 2K...What a stupid game...

and my 2 other cousins: we live far away from each other so we dont talk to each othre alot...

oh yeah, i have cousins, too. I have a cousin named Marielle who's 9 years old, she's really cute and fun, oh and did i mention LOUD. xD She has a little sister named Natalie who's 4 years old. She's adorable, but she's also an evil little thing, and very dramatic. Then i have a 5 year old cousin named Lauren who lives far away, but she's hilarious. She's the kind of kid who proves that "Kids say the darndest things!" LOL. And then i have a bunch of second cousins whom i never see very often. Two live somewhat nearby, named Audrey and Dominic, but we rarely see them, and i have a cousin named Gina who's in her twenties, and then a cousin named Eric who lives really far away and he's six months older than me.

I'd say i get along well with all my cousins, and a lot better than i get along with my sister for sure. Yes, my family's pretty much all girls except two of my cousins, and only two of my cousins are older than me.

My little brother is 11. We argue a lot .. but if one of our mutually loved shows like Family Guy or Futarama/whatever is on.. we get along just fine 8)

He loves insults.

I have a 22 year old older brother :)

He is in fact 10 years older than me.

He's absolutely amazing. I could relate to most of what Clara said.

Nowadays he lives by himself so we don't see eachother much anymore,

But Facebook helps us keep in touch!

He's my role-model, my sunshine on a rainy day, and at times my best friend.

I couldn't wish for a better brother.


I have three younger siblings; two sisters and a cute little brother. Abbey, who's eleven, drives me mental sometimes but she's still epic. Lucy, who's six, drives me mental without the epicness. Angus, who's one, is awesome besides the fact that he tried to kill me the other day O_O

Erik (25)- Not very close. He moved out when he was 15, so...

Alex (23)- Besties! He lives 1.9 miles away. :p

Kyle (18)- We're pretty close. We have the same interests. Like band, art, and randoms things like Chuck Norris. He still lives with us.

Lars (13?)- He died.

(I'm bored, so I'm just gonna enter my pets)

Ruby (8 year old chessie)- She lives in my room and she worships me. :p

Addy (3 year old Russel Terrier)- She hates me.

Dash (2 year old Russel)- He loves everyone!

I don't have any siblings.


I have one cousin that still speaks with me. Her name is Jasmine and she's 25 :p

I have a younger brother who is 11. I can't stand him at all because I can't joke around with him. He's reallyreallyreally immature & he argues with me all the time. He's the most rude and annoying person I've ever met in my life, honestly. We don't get along most of the time.

My two youngest brothers (4 and 7) are annoying and won't pick up after themselves.

My other younger brother (11) is lazy and plays video games all day

And my older sister (17) is perfect. We barely talk, but when we do it's her helping me figure out my highschool classes I want to take.

My parents should have stopped having so much children after their second.(lolme.)

I have an older brother, he's 16, and we get along really well. :)

We have our ups and downs, but overall I have a get time with him. :p

I love him. <3

Then I have 2 sisters, and they're great to hang out with, when where together, we're the most random-est people you'll meet. x) I love them. <3

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