If You Were Famous...


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Well-known member
May 8, 2006
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Southern Ontario
If you were famous, what would you be famous for?

I think that I would be famous for being the starting goalie for Team Canada Women's Hockey Team.

Acting or Singing....or doing some weird internet video.


Most likely the first two. XD

Finding the cure for cancer or being a famous revolutionist, probably.

More likely acting, finding a new formula, or inspiring people to be different.

I honestly have no idea what I'm going to achieve in life, but trying to make the most of it.

Maybe writing the most earth shaking book known to man.

Or taking the most beautiful photos.

Or being the quickest/most talented bassist.

Or just being me.

..Uh... Being the loudest screamer. Seriously. I scream really really ear drum bursting loud when I'm mad.

Which might come in handy if I'm being kidnapped. :Dinos

Or maybe for being the most paranoid about being kidnapped!

Something like that.

I would like to be famous for being a bowler in the Australian Women's Cricket Team ;) That would be awsome!

Other than that, I'd like to be famous for changing the world, one eincy step at a time.

wildcat_gal_101Doing some weird Internet Video. Haha. You could be the next Numa Numa person!
Rotfl me too XD that numa dude is so funny lol I'd be a great numa dancer lol but I'm skinny so it's not as funny XD! And Broken~Wings I could like break someones ear drums too I scream real loud when I'm mad - which is rarely except when a dude at school ticks me off sometimes err - or from being over hyper lol!!!
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Probably standing somewhere in politics or being a story writer(as in movies,books,ect...)

I'm already "famous" for being good at maths (I have been on a few TV programmes and newspapers, as well as on the Internet for that =S).

Personally, I would like to be famous for something scientific (not just maths), such as an entomologist, biologist, discovering some new scientific principle or being a good geneticist. Or maybe if I invented a robot...

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