If you were to suggest a design,


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Well-known member
Aug 3, 2005
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Here you can submit designs you want Bandai to make. Hey you never know, maybe your idea might come true!


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I would like a design that is simple, yet elegant.

It would have no more than 2 colors!

maybe like some french curves on it or curvies!


:unsure: :D :wub: :D :furawatchi: :furawatchi:

Great color combo-

A BLACK background with baby blue pattern on it!! B) :D

I would probly say, black background with lime green accents... :furawatchi:

how cool would a animal print collection be (like the zebra one in Australia but a bunch of em like tiger, cheetah, etc.) for the USA :furawatchi:

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ooh I'd like it if one had little cute pandas on it and it was white, or one with kanji symbols all over it in some nice color! ^^...or um..yea i wish u could change the covers like cell phone plates, then i could buy a lot to switch through..OH OH OH O.O! or a mood one! like a mood ring! when u touched the shell it changed colors @_@!

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great idea!

Heat sensative ^^

Glow in the dark would be cool

I'd prefer a black background with medium-purple and red kanji on it. Either that, or a shimmery lime-green background with black detailing. :D Black is my favorite color.

maybe somehow they can make the shell squishy!

It'll be like jello ish :furawatchi:

Yeah, that would be sweet. Or they could have a "water" design, where there's blue water in between the first shell and the second shell, so then when you shook it, the water would make bubbles! :furawatchi:

Those ideas are so cool! :furawatchi:

Hopefully bandai can make them...

***If you don't know they have ZEBRA designs out for v2! If you kno that already, maybe I'm kind of slow :D

:ichigotchi: :pochitchi: I would like one with like horses raceing through feilds!! or a kinda like snow globe one!!! with horses in it or like a paper weight with horses that look like ice cristals!!!!!!! that would be sooooooo cool!!!!!!!!! :ichigotchi: :pochitchi: :D
i love girly designs, hearts, stars, pink color schemes...

a yellow tama might be nice, and maybe some tamas with little tama characters on the shell.

and glow in the dark would be great!!

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Poll: Which design would you want to appear?

I would have a hot pink base color...then turqoise, lime green, purple, and hilighter yellow... flowers or circles! And Bright orange buttons! I love bright colors!!!! :huh: :(

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