I'm always getting the same char. on v4!helpplease


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Jul 30, 2007
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hi all, im on a tamagotchi version 4. not sure which release it is since there are discussions going on about bugs from the earlier batches..

the thing is that im always getting a female. and right after i get a young memetchi, it would evolve into a ponytchi. im kinda bored of the results since it's always the same thing.. in fact i got this pattern for 5 times in a row. yes, i do hardly get males.

is there anything i can do to change the cycle? i relatively think its unlikely that this could be a result of bugs. or maybe i'm just not looking after the thing differently like i should. but even if ponytchi relies on intelligence points (the pencil), arnt there just many other characters tt solely rely on it as well?

help guys!

much thanks


You should try as hard as you can to make it a terrible character, without it dying. Then, if you don't get a Ponytchi, you will know that it's possible to get another character, and not just a glitch. Once you know that, you will just have to try harder to change up how you treat your Tamagotchi. For instance, if you feed it a lot of bread, try feeding it something else. If you play games with it constantly, don't. If it's usually underweight, feed it until it's overweight.

If none of this works, it sounds like you have a glitched Tama. Sorry!

I see you're new to the forums as well. Welcome to TamaTalk!

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What you get depends on your skill points as well as care. If you keep giving it high intelligence points, try giving it lower intelligence points and focus on other skill points to raise.

Puchitchi is cute!

Back on topic... :mimitchi:

The growth chart here at TamaTalk is really useful. I've used it since I got a V4 and it's worked for me! Try concentrating on some different skill categories. That way, you might get a different character.

Good Luck!

~TamaCarer ;)

keep on reseting it and you might get a boy
That would work but she would lose all of her generations. Just take different care for it.

In the Tamagotchi Connetion Version 4, the care you give your tamagotchi seem to not really matter, because I gave my tamagotchi bad care once on my V4, and I got a young mimitchi to a marotchi, which is in the Mame Group. The V4 charater evolution mainly depends on the skill points you focus on it. Try to focus on different skill points than the same one. Also, getting a girl all the time is just normal. There is no trick to get a boy or girl. It is random on which gender that you get. Ponytchi is in the Meme group. Ponytchi depends on intellectual points. A reason why you maybe getting ponytchi all the time, while there are also other tamagotchis in the Meme gorup is maybe because you are just working on the intellegence points to the same number of points that you always get. Try working on the intellegence points and making it go up higher than the average intellectual points that you always give it. You can always change your main focus of skill points to another skill point such as artistic and social, and work on those.


I agree with everyone here. Do you always make your tamagotchi underweight, feed it bread, play games 24/7, and take care of it as soon as it beeps? Try making it overweight, feeding it, say, Sushi, not playing many games (or focusing on a different skill), and take care of it, like, 5 minutes after it beeps. Again, if you get a different character, your tamagotchi probably (and hopefully) isn't glitched. If you still get Ponytchi, sorry to say, but your tama's probably glitched.

I always get Ponytchi as well! First I get the baby girl and then the mohawk character. then Ichigotchi (my favorite) and then Ponytchi. I've realised that Ponytchi relies on intelligence points, and since I love the SHAPE game, I get loads of intelligence points. It's not so bad, though, since intelligence points get you lots of nice jobs. Just try all of the games and check your points every time you finish one. I like to feed mine sushi and oranges since my sis fed only sushi and apples in V3 and got Violetchi. Maybe try feeding different combos.

hi all, im on a tamagotchi version 4. not sure which release it is since there are discussions going on about bugs from the earlier batches..
the thing is that im always getting a female. and right after i get a young memetchi, it would evolve into a ponytchi. im kinda bored of the results since it's always the same thing.. in fact i got this pattern for 5 times in a row. yes, i do hardly get males.

is there anything i can do to change the cycle? i relatively think its unlikely that this could be a result of bugs. or maybe i'm just not looking after the thing differently like i should. but even if ponytchi relies on intelligence points (the pencil), arnt there just many other characters tt solely rely on it as well?

help guys!

much thanks

Wow! When I first got my V3 tama, I had the exact problem you are having, except that I kept getting boys! It's so annoying, isn't it? I have about 7 weeks of boy, boy, boy e.t.c....

What I did to solve the problem was I bought another V3. The one I mentioned before was quite a boyish design, and I kept getting boys. When I got my second, I bought a girly one on purpose. I then had a girl. I made them mate, then I got a girl baby on each!

You might not be able to buy another, but that is the way I solved it! :angry:

Giraffagotchi :)

when you have y.memetchi and you get the [!] letter for school press b to get another teacher/another skill piont when you go to school.

hope I helped! :) :angry:

Long time ago, I saw a cheat when the match maker comes you press A (left button) for a girl and B (Middle) for boy. It worked for me so maybe you can try it

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