I'm back... again.


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Well-known member
Jul 1, 2013
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Hi, this is my second reintroduction topic since I abandoned this place in 2014. Most of my old posts are rather embarrassing to look back on now, as I was quite young when I posted them. (I'm not actually 19, like my profile suggests. I believe I was actually 11 when I signed up, haha!)

Anyways... I recently decided to start up the only two remaining vintage tamas I had after I obliterated (sold) half my collection in August of 2014. I started digging deeper and deeper and eventually I ended up purchasing an Umino and an original ID, which have not yet arrived.

I don't think this will become my main hobby like it was back in 2014, due to work, other hobbies, and eventually school, but I do think that I will enjoy playing with a Tamagotchi if I have the time.

If you remember me, that's cool, I hope you're doing well! If you're a newer user or have never seen me before, cool! I hope you're doing well too. Thanks for reading. It's 1 AM where I am. I'm going to go to sleep now.

-wiiyoshi14, (a stupid name that I'm pretty sure I stole from somewhere lol)

Welcome back! I have the same thing happen to me all the time where I put my collection away for a bit and focus on other things in my life. Somehow I always come back LOL.

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