I'm Bad at Introductions...


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May 8, 2017
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Pennsylvania, USA
...but I'll try anyway. Hello! My name is Christina, I am 27 years old and have recently rediscovered my adoration for Tamagotchis. I was six years old when the first Tamagotchi was released, and I remember the very first time I saw one in a department store. I must have seen commercials, though I don't remember if I did. I just know I recognized them as soon as I saw the display. They were about $20, and I remember that because I had -just- spent my saved $20 on Titanic on VHS. A tragic mistake on my part, as I ended up never getting an actual Tamagotchi. I got two knock-off versions (an alien and a dinosaur that were sold at $10 each) but I never even got Tiger's response-- Giga Pets. Some of my cousins got the KFC Giga Pets and I was so jealous. :(

Fast forward to the year 2006, an entire decade later and I was finally able to purchase my very first -actual- Tamagotchi, a V3 connection. I played that thing stupid, but usually wound up with a "bad" (ahem-- :ph34r: ) character seeing as I was a sophomore in High School. The wonder wore off since I never had enough time and kept getting the same characters, and it ended up stuck in a drawer.

Then, a little over a decade later and I see a Tamagotchi on my tumblr dashboard. It was the first in-color Tamagotchi I'd seen, and it caught my interest so I began googling what had been happening in the Tamagotchi scene and drooling over the new designs and characters. I decided to order a white 4U, and a baby pink 4U+ along with putting a fresh battery in my V3. Here I am now, running my V3 and 4U with my 4U+ in the process of being shipped to me, and another V3 I purchased just yesterday off of eBay.

So, in addition to my Tamagotchi story, I enjoy astronomy, loose leaf tea, reading, writing, art, animals, spiders/tarantulas, and loads more. If it's cute, I probably like it. I've suffered many medical conditions and have had five surgeries to correct them. I've got three cats, one dog, two gerbils, a parrot, a few tarantulas, and some fish. I basically love animals more than I love people-- even virtual animals! I live in Pennsylvania and am shy but friendly, and always looking to make new friends. So-- I don't bite and I'm happy to be here, feel free to say Hi! ❤︎

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What a lovely introduction!

You sound like such an interesting person - and I understand completely about the whole liking pets more than people thing ;)

I've just recently returned to tamagotchis too so if you'd like to chat or just want some company then feel free to send a PM!

Hope you enjoy your time around TT :D

I second Sourcasm; that was a very entertaining and comprehensive introduction! Since you like tarantulas, I wish you could take all the spiders in my house (I have a conflicted phobia over them XD). Any chance you could share what you like about those creepy tarantulas?

Also, welcome to TamaTalk!

What a lovely introduction!

You sound like such an interesting person - and I understand completely about the whole liking pets more than people thing ;)

I've just recently returned to tamagotchis too so if you'd like to chat or just want some company then feel free to send a PM!

Hope you enjoy your time around TT :D
Thank you, I'll keep your offer in mind! ^_^

I second Sourcasm; that was a very entertaining and comprehensive introduction! Since you like tarantulas, I wish you could take all the spiders in my house (I have a conflicted phobia over them XD). Any chance you could share what you like about those creepy tarantulas?

Also, welcome to TamaTalk!
Thanks, glad you think so!

Hm, I used to be deathly afraid of spiders, to the point where I would almost have a panic attack if I noticed one. Then my little brother got a pet tarantula and dared me to hold it. I refused to be punked out by my younger brother and so I did the only "reasonable" thing-- and I held it. It's touch was so light and gentle, so surprising! After that I began to do research and realized that most of the hype around spiders being terrible deadly things is for the most part nonsense. Don't get me wrong, there are some very intense spiders with very nasty bites out there, mainly in Australia. But a lot of the ones in America that they tell you to look out for only have the potential to kill small children, elderly people, or those with compromised immune systems. Spiders want to avoid us, and their venom is almost as important as water and sustenance. They don't waste it willy nilly, that is why a lot of times bites are 'dry'. What that means is that they don't actually inject venom. It takes them time to make it, and it is how they subdue and liquify their prey's insides into something they can ingest.

When my collection was at it's largest I had over 40 tarantulas. A lot of people don't know just how pretty some tarantulas can be...

For example, Poecilotheria metallica -- https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/25/34/ba/2534ba02ea8791ad5cae98995c2e286c.jpg

The Monocentropus balfouri -- https://www.thespidershop.co.uk/images/m_balfouri_A2.jpg

and the Xenesthis immanis -- https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/81/6c/ef/816cefdd36697b93c97b04a16fac27fb.jpg

There are plenty more, but you get the idea and I'm sure you're tired of looking at spiders!

Anyway, TL;DR -- Spiders are actually not very lethal, they want to avoid you, and if you can ever get over your fear of them then it will be way worth your time because who wants to freak out every time they see something as common as a spider? There is something so soothing about facing something that once made you scream in terror, and realizing it doesn't phase you at all anymore.

Dear Coquette,

I loved reading your introduction that span from 2006 to 2017.



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