I'm curious!


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Well-known member
Feb 9, 2009
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My mom always calls my log a blog, but I call it a log.

My reasoning:

To me, a blog is about your life, and a log can be logging anything.


I mostly view the term "log" more of as a hard-copy, written account of whatever it is your writing about. "Blog" is a combination of the words "web log." That's how the term for online chronicling (whether it be blogging by text, videos, pictures, art, audio, etc. online) originated. I think the word "log" is used to refer to either hand-written or web-written journaling these days because a blog is a type of log. I know I normally refer to my Tamagotchi log as a "log" even though technically, I suppose it's a "blog" and that's because when I first got into Tamagotchis and logged about them, it started out as an actual paper log. If you want to get into semantics, I think the distinction is not what you're writing about but what medium you choose to write it on.

Well, I guess its more like a log. Unless you post stuff about your life in it. Then you can call it something different ^-^


I'd say Log just because I view a blog being about your life.. Unless your life is your log. XD

Well a log is pretty much a record of something where a blog is mostly updates on life RIGHT then. Thats just what I think ;)

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