I'm depressed


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Well-known member
Mar 21, 2008
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I has no energy anymore. I am very sad. Sometimes I cry for no reason. Blah blah blah and all those other depression simtoms.

Here's how it all started...

My life was great back at my old school, North Park, but I thought everybody hated me. So I decided to transfer schools. My new school is called MOPA. I thought my life would be fabulous. I thought wrong. Since we wear unifroms, I can barely express myself. Everybody thinks I am a nerd. Which I AM NOT! Everybody teases me, makes fun of me, and I have no friends. I don't even know why. MOPA is my personal hell.

I can't stop being sad. I think I'm going Emo. I hate my life and I want to die.

When do people normally hit puberty? im 12

When do people normally hit puberty? im 12
I hit puberty when I was ten. Really it depends.

I feel like you sometimes. I moved from the city to the country side and I used to be happy at my old school but in this new place every one thinks I'm emo, I have ZERO friends and people keep making fun of me for being "Emo" and that I sometimes wear glassed =( besides the head teacher's too...NICE!!! Gaah I hate that dang school

You sound kind of like me. Just "blah". You know, I thought it was depression but instantly after I told my mom I wanted to see a counselor I felt SO much better.

My problem is I have no one really to go to- peer wise- so I usually have a lot of stuff built up over time and little things add up. We found a counselor and I just got back from an appointment with her and I feel SOO much better. Sometimes just talking things out helps a lot. Maybe you should ask your mom about talking to someone, too.

It's easy just just go numb at stressful times where you are trying to find the perfect group of friends at a new school. You know what helps? Schedule a day with one of your best friends [either from your new or old school or out of school, whatever] and plan a day of fun. Plan little things to look forward to every week. Have something you can look forward to doing. Pick out little things everyday that made you smile or laugh and write them down in a jounal.

We all get to these low points in our life but if we learn to appreciate the little things, life is so much sweet.

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